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Coffee leaf rust control with cuprous oxide fungicide


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Application of cuprous oxide is effective in controlling coffee leaf rust, considered the main disease of the culture. COPPER FUNGICIDES FIRST used against coffee leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix) on the Indian sub-continent during the 19th century remain the mainstay for control of this most important disease of coffee, now present in all main coffee growing regions of the world. First report of coffee leaf rust was made in the 1860's by a coffee planter in Ceylon (Sri Lanka). Diseased leaves were sentto England and the causal fungus identified and named by Rev. M.J. Berkley. Biology of the causal fungus and its disease epidemiology was subsequently unveiled in detail by Marshall Ward who also laid basic foundations for future control with protectant fungicides.
机译:氧化亚铜的应用可有效控制被认为是培养的主要病害的咖啡锈。十九世纪以来,印度次大陆上首次使用铜杀真菌剂来防止咖啡叶锈病(Hemileia hugeatrix)仍然是控制这种最重要的咖啡病的主要手段,目前在世界上所有主要的咖啡种植地区都存在这种病。 1860年代,锡兰(斯里兰卡)的一家咖啡种植园首次报告了咖啡叶锈蚀的情况。患病的叶子被送到英格兰,由M.J. Berkley牧师鉴定并命名了因果真菌。随后,马歇尔·沃德(Marshall Ward)详细介绍了原因真菌的生物学及其疾病流行病学,他还为以后用保护性杀菌剂进行控制奠定了基础。



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