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Is there a better crab apple pollinizer?


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No research is under way to evaluate pollinizers to replace Manchurian crab apple.he Washington State apple industry doesn't appear to be any closer to finding a crab apple pollinizer to replace Manchurian than it was a year ago when industry spokespersons identified the need for such research.During recent winter meeting talks about crab apple diseasescausing postharvest rots and international trade issues, Dr. Mike Willett of the Northwest Horticultural Council and Tom Auvil of the Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission called for work to find a replacement pollinzer for Manchu-rian crab apple.Manchurian has been widely planted in Pacific Northwest orchards because it blooms early enough to pollinate king blossoms of Red Delicious, grows tall and upright, and works well with other varieties like Fuji, Gala, and Granny Smith.
机译:目前尚无研究评估授粉剂替代满州山楂苹果的研究。华盛顿州苹果产业似乎比一年前业界发言人更需要找到一种替代苹果剂的山楂花粉。在最近的冬季会议上讨论了导致收获后腐烂和国际贸易问题的山楂苹果病,西北园艺委员会的Mike Willett博士和华盛顿树果研究委员会的Tom Auvil呼吁为替代满洲蟹寻找传粉器的工作。满州人已在西北太平洋果园广泛种植,因为它的开花时间足够早,可以为红色美味的王花授粉,又长又高,并且可以与其他品种如富士,加拉和格兰尼·史密斯一起很好地工作。



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