首页> 外文期刊>Gynecological endocrinology: the official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology >Pregnancy outcome following frozen embryo transfer after artificial cycle or treatment by clomiphene citrate

Pregnancy outcome following frozen embryo transfer after artificial cycle or treatment by clomiphene citrate


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The optimal method to prepare endometrium before frozen embryo transfer (FET) is not yet established. We retrospectively studied 4496 FET and detailed pregnancy and miscarriage rates in three groups of patients according to the endometrium preparation they have followed before their successive FET: clomifene citrate (CC, group 1), artificial cycle (AC, group 2) or switch between CC and AC (group 3). The overall pregnancy rates per transfer were 24.3, 20.8 and 17.3 while the miscarriage rates reached 23.2, 29.8 and 42.5, respectively. Group 1 experienced the highest ongoing pregnancy rate (18.6), the lowest being observed in group 3 (10.0, p < 0.001). Here we propose several alternatives to improve our AC protocol (group 2) that seemed less effective than CC (group 1) and we consider the use of a gonadotrophin-stimulated treatment for patients with the lowest reproductive outcomes (group 3).
机译:冷冻胚胎移植(FET)前制备子宫内膜的最佳方法尚未确定。我们回顾性研究了 4496 例 FET,并根据三组患者在连续 FET 之前遵循的子宫内膜制备方法详细研究了三组患者的妊娠和流产率:枸橼酸氯米芬(CC,第 1 组)、人工周期(AC,第 2 组)或 CC 和 AC 之间的切换(第 3 组)。每次移植的总妊娠率为24.3%、20.8%和17.3%,流产率分别达到23.2%、29.8%和42.5%。第 1 组的持续妊娠率最高 (18.6%),第 3 组最低 (10.0%,p < 0.001)。在这里,我们提出了几种替代方案来改进我们的 AC 方案(第 2 组),这些方案似乎不如 CC(第 1 组)有效,并且我们考虑对生殖结局最低的患者(第 3 组)使用促性腺激素刺激的治疗。




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