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Carboniferous-Triassic subduction and accretion in the western Kunlun, China: Implications for the collisional and accretionary tectonics of the northern Tibetan Plateau


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A newly defined, 250 km by 500 km, Carboniferous-Triassic subduction-accretion complex, the Mazar accretionary prism in the western Kunlun, comprises two subduction complexes and a forearc-basin succession. (1) The Bazar Dara. subduction complex contains imbricated blocks of sandstone, arenite, limestone, and metavoicanic rocks in a matrix of weakly metamorphosed Triassic deep-sea turbidites. The metavolcanic rocks include basalt, diabase, spilite, and andesitic porphyry. Trace element geochemistry shows that pillow and amygdaloidal basalts are oceanic-island tholeiites. This zone has Ordovician to Permian fossils and is situated on the older, more highly deformed and metamorphosed side of the prism adjacent to the Sailliyak magmatic arc. (2) The Heweitan subduction complex is composed of blocks of limestone, turbidite, and radiolarite in a slate-phyllite matrix intercalated with calc-alkalic volcanic rocks. This complex has Permian to Triassic fossils and is situated on the younger, less deformed, and metamorphosed side of the prism adjacent to the suture zone. (3) The Qitai forearc basins are infilled with turbidites (Late Triassic) intercalated with carbonates; these rocks overlie the accretionary prism. The accretion-related structure is dominated by large-scale northeast-dipping thrusts and subvertical cleavage stitched by 215-190 Ma granites. There is an overall decrease in metamorphic grade and deformation intensity from the are to the suture zone across the Bazar Dara and Heweitan subduction complexes. The Mazar accretionary prism formed by subduction-accretion processes during closure of the Paleotethyan Ocean and the final docking of the Gondwanan Karakoram-Qiangtang block to the Cathaysian (Eurasian) Kunlun block. [References: 21]
机译:昆仑西部的一个新定义的250 km×500 km的石炭系-三叠纪俯冲-增生复合体,由Mazar增生棱镜组成,包括两个俯冲复合体和一个前盆盆地演替。 (1)巴扎达拉。俯冲复合体包含了由弱变质的三叠纪深海浊度组成的基质中的砂岩,褐砂岩,石灰岩和变火山岩的嵌岩块。准火山岩包括玄武岩,辉绿岩,辉闪岩和安山斑岩。微量元素地球化学表明,枕形和扁桃体玄武岩是大洋岛上的辉绿岩。该区域具有奥陶纪至二叠纪化石,并位于与Sailliyak岩浆弧相邻的较老,高度变形和变质的一面。 (2)河微滩俯冲复合体是由石灰岩,浊积岩和放射性云母块体组成的板岩-千枚岩基质中,插有钙碱性火山岩。该复合物具有二叠纪至三叠纪化石,并位于靠近缝合线区域的年轻,变形较小,变质的一侧。 (3)七台前盆地充填有碳酸盐夹层的浊积岩(晚三叠世);这些岩石覆盖在增生棱镜上。与吸积有关的结构主要由东北向大型的冲断冲断作用和由215-190 Ma花岗岩缝合的亚垂直解理作用所主导。从Bare Dara和Heweitan俯冲复合体到从缝合线到缝合线区域,其变质等级和变形强度总体下降。在Paleotethyan海洋关闭以及Gondwanan Karakoram-Qiangtang区块与Cathaysian(欧亚)Kunlun区块的最终对接过程中,通过俯冲-增生过程形成的Mazar增生棱镜。 [参考:21]



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