首页> 外文期刊>Geological Society of America Bulletin >Initiation of gravitational collapse of an evaporite basin margin:The Messinian saline giant,Levant Basin,eastern Mediterranean

Initiation of gravitational collapse of an evaporite basin margin:The Messinian saline giant,Levant Basin,eastern Mediterranean


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Regional 2D and 3D seismic data from the Levant Basin reveal the updip extensional component of thin-skinned gravity tectonics on this continental margin.Because of its youth(5-7 Ma),the earliest stages of deformation of this salt basin are preserved without the severe structural overprinting common on more mature,giant salt-tectonic systems.Extension detaches onto and within Messinian evaporites up to 1800 m thick.By structural restoration,we reconstruct the tectonic evolution of the Messinian evaporites using paleobathymetric constraints from wells and seismic profiles.This analysis suggests that the Mediterranean drawdown during the Messinian Salinity Crisis was ~800 m.The 10-to 15-km-wide extensional domain tracks the landward pinch-out of the mobile Messinian evaporites against an older Late Miocene scarp.Diachronous extension began in the center of the margin in the mid-Pliocene,then spread northward in the late Pliocene,then finally southward in the early Pleistocene.Extension continues today on many of the most landward faults.Extensional strain varies greatly along strike from<1 km to as much as 12-15 km.Comparing observations with four end-member conceptual models,we infer that both extension and seaward salt flow thinned the evaporite margin and its overburden.Both processes were triggered by a combination of uplift of the continental shoulder of the Dead Sea Rift and subsidence in the Mediterranean Basin.At least three factors controlled variations in extension:(1)degree of tilting of the salt wedge,related to the interplay of coastal uplift and basin subsidence;(2)presence of pre-Messinian canyons overlain by landward salients of saand (3)variations in evaporite facies and the proportion of siliciclastic admixture.
机译:来自黎凡特盆地的区域2D和3D地震数据揭示了该大陆边缘薄皮重力构造的上倾扩展分量。由于其青年时期(5-7 Ma),该盐盆地的变形最早阶段得以保留,而没有在较成熟的巨型盐构造系统上普遍存在严重的构造叠印。延伸物分离到墨西西蒸发岩上和内部,厚度达1800 m。通过结构恢复,我们利用井和地震剖面的古测度约束重建了墨西西蒸发岩的构造演化。分析表明,在墨西尼盐度危机期间,地中海水位下降了约800 m.10至15公里宽的延伸区域追踪了移动的墨西尼蒸发岩对新中晚期的陡坡的陆上挤压。在上新世中期的边缘中心,然后在上新世晚期向北扩展,然后在上新世早期终于向南。如今,在许多最陆上的断层上都发生了这种情况。延伸应变沿走向从<1 km到高达12-15 km的变化很大。与四个端部概念模型的观测结果相比,我们推断延伸流和向海盐流都使该区域变薄了。蒸发岩边缘及其上覆地层。这两个过程都是由死海裂谷大陆肩的隆起和地中海盆地的沉陷共同引发的。至少三个因素控制了伸展的变化:(1)盐楔的倾斜度与沿海隆起和盆地沉降的相互作用有关;(2)陆上盐分突出覆盖的麦西尼西亚前峡谷的存在;以及(3)蒸发岩相的变化和硅质碎屑混合物的比例。



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