首页> 外文期刊>Geological Society of America Bulletin >The effect of paleotopography on the late Albian and Cenomanian sea-level record of the Canadian Cretaceous interior seaway

The effect of paleotopography on the late Albian and Cenomanian sea-level record of the Canadian Cretaceous interior seaway


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In western Canada, a major paleoenviron- mental change at the Albian-Cenomanian boundary is related to a eustatic sea-level rise overprinted by a relative sea-level fall in conjunction with preexisting topography within the basin. This paper shows the lateral variability of sedimentology, paleoecology, and biostratigraphy of the latest Albian to Cenomanian interval along the Canadian western margin of the Cretaceous interior seaway. This paper (1) provides an integrated depositional and paleoecological examination of the Albian and Cenomanian lithologic units in the northern Western Interior Seaway; (2) demonstrates the effect of antecedent paleotopography within the basin at the time of the transgression; (3) documents the variability in sedimentary facies and paleoecology controlled by paleorelief; and (4) demonstrates the diachroneity, lateral extent, and extremity of the multiple unconformities controlled by this paleorelief.An enigmatic aspect of the lowermost Cenomarian Fish Scales Formation has been the regional occurrence of chert, quartz, and bioclastic pebbles associated with black anoxic shale. A regional north-south traverse across Alberta provides insight into this problem. In southwestern Alberta, chert- and quartzite-pebble conglomerate and sandstone that are equivalent to the Fish Scales Formation-known as Barons Sandstone (subsurface) and Blairmore Grits (outcrop )-represent proximal shelf sedimentation. This coarse-grained sediment was flushed out during sea-level lowstand and thenreworked by a subsequent transgression associated with the Belle Fourche Formation. A large paleohigh existed in southwesternmost Alberta at this time. Northward, the Fish Scales Formation is bounded top and bottom by unconformities and conglomerate, indicating multiple sea-level fluctuations and deposition in a wave-influenced shelf environment. In westcentral Alberta, preserved deposits of the Fish Scales Formation indicate deposition in a nearshore setting. Farther to the north and, most distally, in northwestern Alberta and elsewhere to the east, the coarse component of the Fish Scales Formation is predominantly gravelsized fish and other vertebrate debris with significantly less siliciclastic detritus. Regionally, the unconformity at the base of Fish Scales-Barons becomes more pronounced southward and westward where the underlying shale of the Westgate Formation (or Westgate Member) has been eroded or was never deposited.The regional paleogeographic setting for the Barons Sandstone and Fish Scales Formation indicates greater amounts of erosion and coarser-grained deposition in the southwest associated with the paleohigh. Northward and eastward, there was greater accommodation space, less erosion associated with the unconformity, and finer-grained sediment.
机译:在加拿大西部,Albian-Cenomanian边界的主要古环境变化与海平面上升有关,而该海平面上升则是相对海平面下降加上盆地内已有地形的叠加。本文显示了白垩纪内海沿加拿大西部边缘最新的阿尔比至西诺曼期的沉积学,古生态学和生物地层学的横向变化。本文(1)对北部西部内陆航道的阿尔比(Albian)和塞诺曼(Cenomanian)岩性单元进行了沉积和古生态学综合研究; (2)证明了海侵发生前盆地古地形的影响; (3)记录受古生物控制的沉积相和古生态的变化; (4)证明了该古埃及控制的多个不整合面的铁通度,横向范围和末端。最低的Cenomarian鱼鳞形成的一个神秘方面是与黑色缺氧页岩有关的t石,石英和生物碎屑卵石的区域性发生。 。横跨艾伯塔省的南北区域横断面提供了对该问题的见解。在艾伯塔省西南部,硅酸盐和石英岩卵石砾岩和砂岩相当于鱼鳞组,称为Barons砂岩(地下)和Blairmore Grits(露头),代表了近海陆架沉积。在海平面低位期间,这种粗颗粒沉积物被冲出,然后通过与Belle Fourche组有关的随后海侵而进行了重新处理。此时,最西南的艾伯塔省存在一个大型古高地。向北,鱼鳞组的顶部和底部由不整合面和砾岩界定,表明在波浪影响的陆架环境中存在多个海平面波动和沉积。在艾伯塔省中西部,鱼鳞形成的保存沉积物表明在近岸环境沉积。在北部更远的地方,以及在最远的地方,在艾伯塔省西北部和东部的其他地方,鱼鳞形成的粗糙部分主要是砾石鱼和其他脊椎动物碎屑,而硅碎屑碎屑明显较少。在区域上,鱼鳞-男爵底部的不整合面在向南和向西变得更加明显,因为Westgate组(或Westgate成员)的下层页岩已被侵蚀或从未沉积过.Barons砂岩和鱼鳞的区域古地理环境地层表明与古隆起相关的西南地区大量的侵蚀和较粗粒度的沉积。向北和向东,容纳空间更大,与不整合面相关的侵蚀减少,沉积物颗粒更细。



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