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Laboratory drying of organic-matter rich soils: Phosphorus solubility effects, influence of soil characteristics, and consequences for environmental interpretation


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Agronomic soil test P (STP) and soil type data may be used to predict diffuse soluble P loss from soil to water (e.g. Withers, P.J.A., Dils, R.M., Hodgkinson, R.A., 1999. Transfer of phosphorus from small agricultural basins with variable soil types and land use. p. 41. In: Impact of Land use change on nutrient loads from different sources. IAHS publication no. 257; Daly, K., Mills, P., Coulter, B., McGarrigle, M., 2002. Modelling phosphorus concentrations in Irish rivers using land use, soil type, and soil phosphorus data. J. Environ. Qual., 31: 590-599). However, previous studies quantifying the effect of STP and soil type on P solubility have usually relied on laboratory analyses of dried soil samples to quantify P solubility. Drying soil samples has been found to substantially increase P solubility (e.g. Bartlett, R., James, B., 1980. Studying dried, stored soil samples - some pitfalls. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 44: 721-724; Turner, B.L., Haygarth, P.M., 2001. Phosphorus solubilization in rewetted soils. Nature, 411: 258-258), and microbial biomass and organic matter (OM) have been implicated in this (e.g. Chepkwony, C.K., Haynes, R.J., Swift, R.S., Harrison, R., 2001. Mineralization of soil organic P induced by drying and rewetting as a source of plant-available P in limed and unlimed samples of an acid soil. Plant Soil, 234: 83-90; Turner, B.L., Driessen, J.P., Haygarth, P.M., McKelvie, I.D., 2003. Potential contribution of lysed bacterial cells to phosphorus solubilisation in two rewetted Australian pasture soils. Soil Biol. Biochem., 35: 187-189). Many grassland soils in western Ireland contain high OM and moisture contents, and may therefore be particularly susceptible to drying-induced soluble P release. This study quantifies drying- induced changes in P solubility, by measuring water-extractable P (P sub(w)) and desorbable P (P sub(feo)) contents in moist and dried samples of a range of 33, mainly grassland, soils from western Ireland. Molybdate analyses of P sub(w) extracts before and after acid digestion were used to quantify dissolved reactive P (P sub(w)DRP), taken to represent predominantly readily soluble inorganic P, and dissolved molybdate-unreactive P (MUP), taken to represent predominantly readily soluble organic P. Dried soil samples were analysed for a wide range of general and P-specific characteristics, including STP (Morgan P and Olsen P) and the degree of sorption saturation (DPSS). Based on OM content, soils were divided into peat (> 30% OM) and predominantly mineral (< 30% OM) soils after Daly et al. (2000). Almost all soils exhibited large increases in P solubility after drying, with the size of drying-induced soluble P increases increasing in the order P sub(w)DRP < P sub(w)MUP< P sub(feo). Absolute drying-induced increases were statistically similar between peat and mineral soil groups (e.g. P sub(feo) mean increases of 9.06 and 13.81 for peat and mineral soil groups, respectively). However, when expressed as a proportion of moist sample P solubility, all soluble P increases were significantly greater for peat compared with mineral soils (e.g. P sub(feo) percentage increases 735% and 155% for peat and mineral soil groups, respectively). Consequently, some differentiation in P solubility between peat and mineral soil groups was lost after drying. Drying- induced P sub(w) increases appeared to be related to soil OM and moisture contents, indicating drying-induced P release through microbial cell lysis and OM destabilisation. Increases were not related to moist sample P solubility or STP, resulting in the loss of some differentiation in P solubility between high and low STP soils. Drying-induced P sub(feo) increases were positively related to DPSS, reflecting chemical equilibrium control of desorbable P released from dried samples. It was concluded that the standard practice of drying soils prior to P solubility analyses reduces the inferred importance of soil type and STP as risk factors in diffuse s
机译:农艺性土壤测试磷(STP)和土壤类型数据可用于预测土壤中水向土壤中的可溶性可溶性磷损失(例如,威瑟斯,PJA,迪尔斯,RM,霍奇金森,RA,1999年)。 p。41. in:土地利用变化对不同来源养分的影响。IAHS出版物257; Daly,K.,Mills,P.,Coulter,B.,McGarrigle,M.,2002使用土地利用,土壤类型和土壤磷数据对爱尔兰河流中的磷浓度进行建模(J. Environ。Qual。,31:590-599)。但是,以前的量化STP和土壤类型对P溶解度影响的研究通常依赖于干燥土壤样品的实验室分析来定量P溶解度。已经发现干燥的土壤样品会大大增加P的溶解度(例如Bartlett,R.,James,B.,1980.研究干燥的,储存的土壤样品-有些陷阱。Soil。Sci。Soc.Am.J.,44:721-724 ; Turner,BL,Haygarth,PM,2001年。在再湿润的土壤中的磷增溶作用(Nature 411:258-258),以及微生物生物量和有机质(OM)都与之相关(例如Chepkwony,CK,Haynes,RJ,斯威夫特,RS,哈里森,R.,2001年。《土壤有机磷的矿化》,干燥和再润湿是在酸性土壤的石灰和非石灰样品中作为植物可用磷的来源,《植物土壤》 234:83-90;特纳, BL,Driessen,JP,Haygarth,PM,McKelvie,ID,2003。裂解的细菌细胞对两种再湿润的澳大利亚牧场土壤中磷溶解的潜在贡献(Soil Biol.Biochem。,35:187-189)。爱尔兰西部的许多草原土壤均含有较高的OM和水分,因此可能特别容易受到干燥引起的可溶性P释放的影响。这项研究通过测量33种主要是草地和土壤的潮湿和干燥样品中的水可萃取性P(P sub(w))和可解吸P(P sub(feo))含量来量化干燥引起的P溶解度变化来自西爱尔兰。对酸消解前后的P sub(w)提取物进行钼酸盐分析,以量化溶解的反应性P(P sub(w)DRP),主要代表易溶的无机P,以及溶解的钼酸盐不反应性P(MUP)。代表主要是易溶的有机磷。对干燥的土壤样品进行了广泛的一般和P特异分析,包括STP(Morgan P和Olsen P)和吸附饱和度(DPSS)。根据OM含量,根据Daly等人的研究,土壤分为泥炭(> 30%OM)和主要是矿物(<30%OM)土壤。 (2000)。干燥后几乎所有土壤都表现出P溶解度的大幅增加,干燥诱导的可溶性P的大小以P sub(w)DRP



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