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The Ascent of Man?


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Anyone who cares about the moral and social implications of genomics, genetic engineering and biotechnology should read Michael J. Sandel's article, 'The Case Against Perfection', in the April 2004 issue of The Atlantic Monthly. Sandel, the Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Professor of Government at Harvard University (where he teaches moral philosophy), is one of the deepest thinkers of this generation. He is a member of The President's Council on Bioethics, which George W. Bush established to make recommendations concerning stem-cell research, among other issues. In this essay, with characteristically clear and penetrating analysis, he argues that "the genomic revolution has induced a kind of moral vertigo", and that we are right to be troubled by suchissues as human cloning and genetic engineering for improved human characteristics and performance. He dissects four examples of the use of our new-found power of biotechnology: muscle enhancement; memory enhancement; growth-hormone treatment; and reproductive technologies that allow parents to choose the sex and some genetic traits of their children. In each case, he concludes that such use is morally objectionable.
机译:任何关心基因组学,基因工程和生物技术的道德和社会影响的人,都应该阅读2004年4月《大西洋月刊》上迈克尔·桑德尔(Michael J. Sandel)的文章“完美案例”。桑德尔(Sandel),哈佛大学的安妮·T·巴斯(Robert M. Bass)政府教授(他在这里教授道德哲学)是这一代最深刻的思想家之一。他是总统生物伦理委员会的成员,乔治·W·布什成立了该委员会,以就干细胞研究以及其他问题提出建议。在这篇文章中,他通过对特征的清晰而透彻的分析认为,“基因组革命引发了一种道德眩晕”,我们为人类克隆和基因工程等问题所困扰,以改善其人类特性和性能是正确的。他剖析了四个利用我们新发现的生物技术力量的例子:肌肉增强;内存增强;生长激素治疗;以及允许父母选择自己孩子的性别和某些遗传特征的生殖技术。在每种情况下,他都得出这样的使用在道德上是令人反感的。



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