首页> 外文期刊>日本機械学会論文集, B編 >Control of a jet impinging on a wedge having a circular cylinder at the vertex (mean flow and turbulence properties)

Control of a jet impinging on a wedge having a circular cylinder at the vertex (mean flow and turbulence properties)


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An experimental study has been performed on the mean flow and turbulence properties of a two-dimensional jet impinging on a wedge having a circular cylinder with various diameters at the wedge vertex. The non-dimensional profiles of the mean velocity in the fully developed flow region of the wall jet approach those of the conventional two-dimensional wall jet when a cylinder is attached to the wedge vertex and if the cylinder diameter is increased. Also both the slopes of the growth of the half-width and of the decay of the maximum velocity approach these of the two-dimensional case. The non-dimensional profiles of the turbulence intensities and of Reynolds stress in the fully developed flow region of the wall jet behave in the same manner, as mentioned above. In the variations along the wall of the integral value of the total production term of Reynolds stress, there exists the negative value region of it near the wedge vertex, and it extends as the cylinder diameter increases.




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