首页> 外文期刊>IEEE transactions on automation science and engineering: a publication of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society >Detection, Localization, and Tracking of Multiple MAVs With Panoramic Stereo Camera Networks

Detection, Localization, and Tracking of Multiple MAVs With Panoramic Stereo Camera Networks

机译:使用全景立体相机网络检测、定位和跟踪多个 MAV

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Malicious use of micro aerial vehicles (MAVs) has become a serious threat to public safety and personal privacy in recent years. Motivated by this problem, we propose a systematic approach to monitor the intrusion of malicious MAVs based on a novel type of panoramic stereo camera networks. Each sensing node of such a network consists of 16 lenses that can form a 360-degree panoramic vision system. The 16 lenses further form 8 pairs of stereo cameras that can directly localize aerial targets. The effective range for a sensing node localizing a MAV like DJI M300 could reach 80 meters, which is much farther than existing commercial stereo cameras. In terms of algorithms, we propose i) a novel visual MAV detection algorithm based primarily on motion features of MAVs, ii) an efficient stereo localization algorithm based on sparse feature points, and iii) robust multi-target tracking and trajectory fusion algorithm to fuse the observations of different sensing nodes. The effectiveness, robustness, and accuracy of the proposed algorithms together with the overall system have been verified by extensive experimental tests. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first systematic approach to detect, localize, and track unknown MAVs in the literature. Our approach provides a scalable solution to securely cover large areas of interest against malicious MAV intrusion. Note to Practitioners—Micro aerial vehicles (MAVs) have been widely used in many domains nowadays. However, they have also brought many safety problems. To monitor the intrusion of malicious MAVs, this paper proposes a novel type of panoramic stereo camera networks that can detect, localize, and track multiple MAVs simultaneously. Such a network consists of a number of sensing nodes and a central node. Each sensing node is able to detect, localize, and track multiple MAV targets. The role of the central node is to fuse the observations from multiple sensing nodes to generate more accurate trajectories of the MAV targets and in the meantime secure a large area in a coordinated way. This paper presents the details of the prototype of the system and the key algorithms therein.
机译:近年来,恶意使用微型飞行器(MAV)已成为对公共安全和个人隐私的严重威胁。基于这一问题,我们提出了一种基于新型全景立体摄像头网络的系统化方法来监控恶意MAV的入侵。这种网络的每个传感节点由16个镜头组成,可以形成一个360度全景视觉系统。这 16 个镜头进一步形成了 8 对立体相机,可以直接定位空中目标。像DJI M300这样的MAV定位传感节点的有效范围可以达到80米,这比现有的商用立体相机要远得多。在算法方面,我们提出了一种主要基于MAV运动特征的新型视觉MAV检测算法,ii)基于稀疏特征点的高效立体定位算法,以及iii)鲁棒的多目标跟踪和轨迹融合算法,以融合不同感知节点的观测结果。所提算法与整个系统的有效性、鲁棒性和准确性已经通过大量的实验测试得到了验证。据我们所知,这是文献中第一个检测、定位和跟踪未知MAV的系统方法。我们的方法提供了一种可扩展的解决方案,可以安全地覆盖大面积的兴趣区域,防止恶意 MAV 入侵。从业者须知:微型飞行器(MAV)如今已在许多领域得到广泛应用。然而,它们也带来了许多安全问题。为了监测恶意MAV的入侵,该文提出一种新型的全景立体摄像头网络,可以同时检测、定位和跟踪多个MAV。这样的网络由许多传感节点和一个中心节点组成。每个传感节点都能够检测、定位和跟踪多个MAV目标。中心节点的作用是融合来自多个传感节点的观测结果,以生成更准确的MAV目标轨迹,同时以协调的方式保护大面积区域。本文详细介绍了该系统的原型及其中的关键算法。



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