
Comparison of adiabatic and nonadiabatic inputs in a helical undulator


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For matched injection of an electron beam into an undulator, the fringe field must be shaped. In helical undulators adiabatic input has been used from the very beginning, and remains to be the most prevalent means to this day. Such an input consists in a smooth rise of field amplitude over several periods. In recent times, nonadiabatic methods of injection have been proposed and realized. These have a number of advantages. They are shorter, more accurate (minimizing not only angular error but that of displacement as well) and technically simpler, merely a winding of an additional undulator half-period. The article presents an analysis and comparison of both methods of matched injection, their advantages and weaknesses, and applicability in each case of precision correction of distortions arising in shaping the fringe fields. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. References: 16
机译:为了将电子束匹配注入波荡器,必须对条纹场进行整形。在螺旋波荡器中,绝热输入从一开始就被使用,直到今天仍然是最普遍的方法。这种输入包括场幅度在几个周期内的平滑上升。近年来,非绝热注射方法已被提出并实现。这些具有许多优点。它们更短、更精确(不仅最大限度地减少了角度误差,而且也最大限度地减少了位移误差),技术上也更简单,只是一个额外的波浪半周期的缠绕。本文分析和比较了两种匹配注入方法,它们的优缺点,以及在对条纹场整形过程中产生的畸变进行精确校正的每种情况下的适用性。(C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V.保留所有权利。[参考资料: 16]




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