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Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) and Polysulfide (H2Sn) Signaling: The First 25 Years

机译:硫化氢 (H2S) 和多硫化物 (H2Sn) 信号传导:前 25 年

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Since the first description of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) as a toxic gas in 1713 by Bernardino Ramazzini, most studies on H2S have concentrated on its toxicity. In 1989, Warenycia et al. demonstrated the existence of endogenous H2S in the brain, suggesting that H2S may have physiological roles. In 1996, we demonstrated that hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a potential signaling molecule, which can be produced by cystathionine beta-synthase (CBS) to modify neurotransmission in the brain. Subsequently, we showed that H2S relaxes vascular smooth muscle in synergy with nitric oxide (NO) and that cystathionine gamma-lyase (CSE) is another producing enzyme. This study also opened up a new research area of a crosstalk between H2S and NO. The cytoprotective effect, anti-inflammatory activity, energy formation, and oxygen sensing by H2S have been subsequently demonstrated. Two additional pathways for the production of H2S with 3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase (3MST) from l- and d-cysteine have been identified. We also discovered that hydrogen polysulfides (H2Sn, n >= 2) are potential signaling molecules produced by 3MST. H2Sn regulate the activity of ion channels and enzymes, as well as even the growth of tumors. S-Sulfuration (S-sulfhydration) proposed by Snyder is the main mechanism for H2S/H2Sn underlying regulation of the activity of target proteins. This mini review focuses on the key findings on H2S/H2Sn signaling during the first 25 years.
机译:自 1713 年贝纳迪诺·拉马齐尼 (Bernardino Ramazzini) 首次将硫化氢 (H2S) 描述为有毒气体以来,大多数关于 H2S 的研究都集中在其毒性上。1989 年,Warenycia 等人证明了大脑中存在内源性 H2S,这表明 H2S 可能具有生理作用。1996 年,我们证明了硫化氢 (H2S) 是一种潜在的信号分子,可以通过胱硫氨酸 β-合酶 (CBS) 产生以改变大脑中的神经传递。随后,我们发现 H2S 与一氧化氮 (NO) 协同松弛血管平滑肌,并且胱硫氨酸 γ-裂解酶 (CSE) 是另一种产生酶。这项研究还开辟了H2S和NO之间串扰的新研究领域。随后证明了 H2S 的细胞保护作用、抗炎活性、能量形成和氧感应。已经确定了用 3-巯基丙酮酸硫转移酶 (3MST) 从 l- 和 d-半胱氨酸产生 H2S 的另外两种途径。我们还发现氢多硫化物(H2Sn,n >= 2)是3MST产生的潜在信号分子。H2Sn调节离子通道和酶的活性,甚至调节肿瘤的生长。Snyder提出的S-硫化(S-硫化)是H2S/H2Sn调控靶蛋白活性的主要机制。这篇小型综述重点介绍了前 25 年中 H2S/H2Sn 信号转导的主要发现。




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