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Precision power chuck


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At Prodex we meet with Christoph Allemann in charge of sales and marketing with SwissChuck to speak about the new generation of precision powerchuck. The KCHP/VKCHP type chucks are specifically designed for cylindrical grinding machines. Every chuck is filled with oil to guarantee an efficient chuck operation. The sealed design of these chucks has been further improved to either prevent contamination from swarf and coolant or oil loss. This makes these chucks nearly maintenance-free. The whole chuck design is aimed to ensure long-term accuracy and performance. The KCHP style chuck features a through hole and is drawbar-actuated, typically by a pneumatic cylinder at the back of the machine spindle. The VKCHP style chuck features a coolant or air passage through the center and is actuated by a rotating air tube.
机译:在Prodex,我们会见了与SwissChuck负责销售和市场营销的Christoph Allemann,讨论了新一代精密动力卡盘。 KCHP / VKCHP型卡盘是专为外圆磨床设计的。每个卡盘都充满油,以确保有效的卡盘操作。这些卡盘的密封设计得到了进一步改进,以防止切屑和冷却液污染或油流失。这使得这些卡盘几乎免维护。整个卡盘设计旨在确保长期的准确性和性能。 KCHP型卡盘有一个通孔,并由拉杆驱动,通常由机床主轴背面的气缸驱动。 VKCHP型卡盘的特征是冷却液或空气通过中心,并由旋转的空气管驱动。



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