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The Origin and Early Evolution of Life: Where, When and How?


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Although it is frequently taught in many schools and universities all over the world that since early antiquity philosophers and naturalists alike appealed to spontaneous generation to explain the origin of life, this was not really the case. Until the development of microscopes in the seventeenth century, spontaneous generation was seen mostly as a nonsexual reproductive mechanism of insects, maggots, and what were called "lower animals." The extraordinary descriptions of a microbial world by Anton van Leewenhoek and others opened an unsuspected dimension to the possibility of spontaneous generation, but it was not it was not until Georges Louis Leclerc de Buffon and Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck incorporated it within their transformist schemes that it was seen as the mechanism that had led to the first appearance of life on Earth.
机译:尽管在世界各地的许多学校和大学中经常教导说,自从上古的哲学家和博物学家都呼吁自发的世代来解释生命的起源,但事实并非如此。直到十七世纪显微镜的发展之前,自发的产生主要被视为昆虫,和所谓的“低等动物”的非性生殖机制。 Anton van Leewenhoek和其他人对微生物世界的非凡描述为自然产生的可能性打开了一个未曾预料到的维度,但是直到Georges Louis Leclerc de Buffon和Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck才将其纳入其改造主义计划中它被认为是导致生命首次出现在地球上的机制。



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