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Thirty-Five Years of Paleoanthropology


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When we published our first joint paper on human evolution back in early 1975 (Eldredge and Tattersall 1975), the world of human evolution was a very different place. For a start, it was populated by a much smaller cast of characters. Not only was paleoanthropology itself a much tinier enterprise than it is today, but the sum total of hominid fossils known was hugely smaller. The riches of the Turkana Basin in northern Kenya had only just begun to be explored. The iconic fossil "Lucy" had yet to be found in Ethiopia, and indeed, the Hadar area from which she came had only just been recognized for the palaeoanthropological treasure trove it has turned out to be. Now near-mythic names such as Atapuerca in Spain and Dmanisi in Georgia were yet to become part of the paleoanthropological vocabulary. And such lesser but nonetheless significant names as Ceprano, Drimolen, and Buia had still to fall even on professional ears.
机译:当我们在1975年初发表有关人类进化的第一份联合论文时(Eldredge和Tattersall 1975),人类进化的世界是一个截然不同的地方。首先,它的填充字符要小得多。古人类学本身不仅比今天微不足道,而且已知的原始人类化石的总量要小得多。肯尼亚北部图尔卡纳盆地的财富才刚刚开始被勘探。尚未在埃塞俄比亚发现标志性的化石“露西”,而事实上,她所来自的哈达尔地区只是被认为是古人类学宝藏而被认可的。现在,近乎神话般的名字,例如西班牙的Atapuerca和佐治亚州的Dmanisi尚未成为古人类学词汇的一部分。诸如Ceprano,Drimolen和Buia之类的次要但仍然重要的名字即使在专业人士眼里也仍然不受欢迎。



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