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Ancestor or Adapiform? Darwinius and the Search for Our Early Primate Ancestors


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On May 19, 2009, an international team of scientists claimed to have found one of our early primate ancestors. Dubbed Darwinius masillae, the 47 million-year-old primate was presented as “the link” that bridged a gap between early primates and our anthropoid progenitors through a major media campaign, yet details about the way the fossil was acquired, the role media companies played in the presentation of the fossil, and disagreements about the fossil’s interpretation generated a controversy in which scientists, journalists, and science bloggers all played important roles. These debates were reinvigorated in the fall of 2009 when an independent team of researchers described a related fossil primate named Afradapis longicristatus, the study of which suggested that Darwinius was much further removed from our ancestry than had been initially proposed. The discussion of these fossils will no doubt continue, but the “Darwinius debates” of 2009 are significant in that they precipitated a long-awaited analysis of early primate relationships, illustrated the benefits and pitfalls of “going broad” with new discoveries, and exhibited how science blogs can work with traditional media outlets to counter exaggerated claims.
机译:2009年5月19日,一个国际科学家团队声称找到了我们早期的灵长类动物祖先之一。这个有4,700万年历史的灵长类动物被称为Darwinius masillae,被称为“纽带”,它通过一次大型媒体宣传活动弥合了早期灵长类动物和我们的类人猿祖先之间的鸿沟,但详细说明了化石的获取方式,媒体公司的作用在化石的介绍中扮演着重要角色,而关于化石的解释上的分歧引发了一场争论,其中科学家,新闻工作者和科学博客作者都扮演着重要角色。 2009年秋天,当一个独立的研究人员小组描述了一个名为Afradapis longicristatus的相关化石灵长类动物时,这些辩论得到了重新振奋,该研究表明,达尔文尼乌斯与我们最初提出的目标相比,已经远离我们的祖先。毫无疑问,有关这些化石的讨论将继续进行,但是2009年的“达尔文斯辩论”意义重大,因为它们引发了人们期待已久的对灵长类动物早期关系的分析,阐明了“走近”新发现并带来的好处和陷阱,并展示了这些发现。科学博客如何与传统媒体合作以应对夸大的说法。



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