首页> 外文期刊>Neotropical Ichthyology >A new, narrowly distributed, and critically endangered species of Characidium (Characiformes: Crenuchidae) from the Distrito Federal, Central Brazil

A new, narrowly distributed, and critically endangered species of Characidium (Characiformes: Crenuchidae) from the Distrito Federal, Central Brazil


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A new species of Characidium is described from the Cerrado biome, in Brasília, Distrito Federal, Central Brazil. The new species can be readily diagnosed by the presence of two or three longitudinal rows of dots along the body sides, absence of bars, by the short pectoral fin, which does not reach the vertical through the dorsal fin origin. Additional useful diagnostic characters are the scaled isthmus, absence of the adipose fin, and the terminal mouth. The new species is only known from the córrego Taquara and its tributaries, a tributary of ribeirão do Gama, upstream from lago Paranoá, in the upper rio Paraná basin. In accordance to the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria, the new species is categorized as Critically Endangered.
机译:在巴西中部联邦区巴西利亚的塞拉多生物群落中描述了一种新的Characidium物种。新物种可以很容易地诊断为身体两侧有两到三排纵向的点,没有条纹,胸鳍短,胸鳍不通过背鳍起源到达垂直方向。其他有用的诊断特征是鳞屑峡部、脂肪鳍缺失和末端口。这个新物种只在córrego Taquara及其支流中已知,这是里贝朗杜伽马的支流,位于巴拉那河上游的帕拉诺阿湖上游。根据世界自然保护联盟红色名录类别和标准,新物种被归类为极度濒危物种。




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