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UK Homeopathic Energy 'Balance' Claims Tilt Consumers Toward Trouble


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UK regulator tells Natural Healing Solutions to discontinue online claims its products are “programmed” with resonance patterns to read energy levels and prevent disease. In a ruling published April 19, the agency noted the company acknowledged receipt of the complaint, but did not respond. The “programmed” pendants, pebbles and other items UK firm N atur al Healing S o lutio ns offers to restore consumers' energy "balance" and prevent disease are promoted to replace treatment by medical professionals, the country's advertising regulator says. The Advertising Standards Authority reviewed the firm's online claims, targeting pets as well as people, following a complaint challenging whether its efficacy claims were misleading and could be substantiated. ASA also challenged whether the ad discouraged treatment for recurrent malaria and coxsackie B virus infection.
机译:英国监管机构告诉Natural Healing Solutions停止在线声称其产品被“编程”为共振模式,以读取能量水平并预防疾病。在4月19日公布的裁决中,该机构指出,该公司承认收到了投诉,但没有回应。英国广告监管机构表示,英国公司N atur al Healing S o lutio ns提供的“程序化”吊坠、鹅卵石和其他物品旨在恢复消费者的能量“平衡”并预防疾病,以取代医疗专业人员的治疗。广告标准局(Advertising Standards Authority)审查了该公司针对宠物和人的在线声明,此前有投诉质疑其功效声明是否具有误导性并可得到证实。ASA还质疑该广告是否不鼓励对复发性疟疾和柯萨奇B病毒感染的治疗。




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