首页> 外文期刊>British journal of nursing: BJN >Comparing ostomates' perceptions of hydrocolloid and silicone seals: a survey

Comparing ostomates' perceptions of hydrocolloid and silicone seals: a survey


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Most stoma flanges are made of hydrocolloid material. Hydrocolloid is a hydrophilic material that attracts water, potentially resulting in moisture becoming trapped between the flange and skin. Also, as hydrocolloids are absorbent, the material breaks down over time, and there is a risk that some of the adhesive can remain on the skin on removal. Unlike hydrocolloids, silicone comprises fully cross-linked silicone polymers whose properties have been engineered to manage moisture without breaking down (i.e. manage the transepidermal water loss (TEWL)). A questionnaire survey was undertaken to determine ostomates' perceptions of silicone versus hydrocolloid stoma care products (both flanges and seals). The survey was sent to 229 ostomates who had used silicone seals, of whom 78 returned it (a response rate of 34). The results suggest that use of the silicone seals resulted in a improvement in the condition of the peristomal skin condition, reduced leakage and increased wear time. Further research into this area is required.
机译:大多数造口法兰由水胶体材料制成。亲水胶体是一种吸水的亲水性材料,可能导致水分被困在法兰和皮肤之间。此外,由于亲水胶体具有吸收性,因此材料会随着时间的推移而分解,并且存在一些粘合剂在去除时会残留在皮肤上的风险。与亲水胶体不同,有机硅由完全交联的有机硅聚合物组成,其特性经过精心设计,可在不分解的情况下管理水分(即管理经表皮水分流失 (TEWL))。进行了一项问卷调查,以确定造口动物对硅胶与水胶体造口护理产品(法兰和密封件)的看法。该调查发送给了 229 名使用过硅胶密封件的造口虫,其中 78 人退回了硅胶密封件(回复率为 34%)。结果表明,使用硅胶密封件可以改善造口周围皮肤状况,减少渗漏并延长磨损时间。需要对这一领域进行进一步研究。




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