首页> 外文期刊>International journal of circumpolar health >Spina bifida, folate metabolism, and dietary folate intake in a Northern Canadian aboriginal population.

Spina bifida, folate metabolism, and dietary folate intake in a Northern Canadian aboriginal population.


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OBJECTIVES: Inhabitants of the subarctic region of the Eastern James Bay of Northern Quebec consume a diet low in folate. This is largely secondary to poor access to plant-foods and a preferred diet high in meat, fowl, and fish as in many other northern populations. Furthermore, there is a high frequency of spina bifida in the Cree of the region. It was hypothesized that genetically altered folate metabolism as well as low folate intake contributes to the high frequency of spina bifida. METHODS: A case-control study evaluating folate metabolism and the common 677C-T polymorphism of the gene for methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) in mothers of children with spina bifida, and controls (n=23) of Cree descent from the Eastern James Bay region. These results were compared to a similar Montreal cohort (n=152) who were not of First Nations descent. Dietary intake of folate of 219 women of the Eastern James Bay region was also determined. RESULTS: No Cree mothers of children with spina bifida were homozygous for the 677C-T polymorphism of MTHFR. Although serum cobalamin was significantly higher in Cree mothers, RBC folate was significantly lower than in the Montreal cohort. In addition, plasma homocysteine was significantly lower in the Cree. Dietary intake of folate of women in the same region was substantially lower (100 microg/day) than widely recommended daily intakes. CONCLUSIONS: In this remote Canadian aboriginal community there is no evidence of altered folate metabolism in the mothers of children with spina bifida. Nonetheless, it remains essential that culturally appropriate public health efforts be continued to increase the intake of folic acid in the hope of reducing the high frequency of spina bifida in this population.
机译:目的:魁北克北部东詹姆斯湾亚北极地区的居民食用低叶酸饮食。这在很大程度上是继发于难以获得植物性食物和首选饮食,如许多其他北方人群一样,肉类、家禽和鱼类含量高。此外,该地区的克里人脊柱裂的发生率很高。据推测,基因改变的叶酸代谢以及叶酸摄入量低会导致脊柱裂的高发率。方法: 一项病例对照研究,评估脊柱裂儿童母亲的叶酸代谢和亚甲基四氢叶酸还原酶 (MTHFR) 基因的常见 677C-T 多态性,以及来自东詹姆斯湾地区的克里血统的对照 (n=23)。这些结果与非原住民血统的类似蒙特利尔队列(n = 152)进行了比较。还确定了东詹姆斯湾地区 219 名妇女的叶酸膳食摄入量。结果:脊柱裂患儿的 Cree 母亲没有 MTHFR 的 677C-T 多态性纯合子。尽管Cree母亲的血清钴胺素显著升高,但红细胞叶酸显著低于蒙特利尔队列。此外,Cree的血浆同型半胱氨酸显着降低。同一地区妇女的叶酸膳食摄入量(100微克/天)大大低于广泛推荐的每日摄入量。结论:在这个偏远的加拿大原住民社区,没有证据表明脊柱裂患儿的母亲叶酸代谢改变。尽管如此,仍然必须继续进行文化上适当的公共卫生工作,以增加叶酸的摄入量,以期减少该人群中脊柱裂的高发率。



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