
Post-treatment with high-power lasers to improve bond strength of adhesive systems to bleached dentin


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To assess the effect of Er:YAG and diode lasers on the shear bond strength (SBS) of adhesive systems to bovine dentin submitted to bleaching with a high concentration agent. One hundred and twenty bovine dentin fragments were used. Fragments were distributed into 12 groups (n=10) considering the bleaching (present or not), surface post-treatment (untreated, Er:YAG laser or diode laser) and adhesive system (total-etching or self-etching). Specimens received two applications of 38 hydrogen peroxide. Er:YAG laser (2940nm, 200mJ, 4Hz) and diode laser (980nm, 1.5W) were applied for 15 s on bleached dentin surface. Restoration was performed with resin using split matrix. Specimens were submitted to SBS test and data (MPa) were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey's test (=0.05). SBS of bleached specimens decreased in comparison with non-bleached (p0.05). Er:YAG laser post-treatment followed by the total-etching adhesive system improve the bond strength of restorative material to bleached dentin.




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