
Unitary and singular value decompositions of parametric processes in fibers


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Parametric (four-wave mixing) processes in fibers, driven by one or two strong pumps, couple the evolution of two weak sidebands. These processes are governed by the (spatial) evolution equations d_(z)X velence AX + BX~((dagger)t) and their associated input-output relations X(z) velence M(z)X(O) + N(z)X~((dagger)t)(0), where X is the (sideband) amplitude vector, A and B are coefficient matrices, and M and N are transfer matrices. In principle, one can use unitary decompositions (UDs) to facilitate the mathematical analyses of evolution equations, or singular value decompositions (SVDs) to facilitate the physical interpretations of input-output relations (by diagonalizing them). In these notes, the SVD method is reviewed, and applied to studies of modulation interaction (MI), phase conjugation (PC) and Bragg scattering (BS). The UD method is also reviewed. It works for BS driven by continuous-wave (CW) or pulsed pumps. Although it works for MI and PC driven by CW pumps, it does not work for MI and PC driven by pulsed pumps (because the coefficient matrices are not simultaneously diagonalizable). Another decomposition method, based on eigenvectors of an extended coefficient matrix, and their adjoints, works for CW and pulsed pumps. Further work is required, to clarify the relation between the SVD and adjoint methods, and apply the latter method to processes of current interest.
机译:光纤中的参数化(四波混合)过程由一个或两个强泵驱动,耦合两个弱边带的演化。这些过程由(空间)演化方程 d_(z)X velence AX + BX~((dagger)t) 及其相关的输入输出关系 X(z) velence M(z)X(O) + N(z)X~((dagger)t)(0) 控制,其中 X 是(边带)振幅矢量,A 和 B 是系数矩阵,M 和 N 是传递矩阵。原则上,可以使用酉分解 (UD) 来促进演化方程的数学分析,或者使用奇异值分解 (SVD) 来促进输入-产出关系的物理解释(通过对角化它们)。在这些笔记中,对SVD方法进行了综述,并将其应用于调制相互作用(MI)、相位共轭(PC)和布拉格散射(BS)的研究。还回顾了UD方法。它适用于由连续波 (CW) 或脉冲泵驱动的 BS。虽然它适用于由 CW 泵驱动的 MI 和 PC,但它不适用于由脉冲泵驱动的 MI 和 PC(因为系数矩阵不能同时对角化)。另一种分解方法基于扩展系数矩阵的特征向量及其伴随,适用于连续波泵和脉冲泵。需要进一步的工作,以阐明SVD和伴随方法之间的关系,并将后一种方法应用于当前感兴趣的过程。



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