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Revision of Silurian vertebrate biozones and their correlation with the conodont succession


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The first vertebrate-based subdivisions of Silurian strata were mainly drawn on material from outcrops in Britain and drill cores from the southern Baltic. Nearly twenty years ago the first vertebrate biozonal scheme was developed on the basis of vertebrate distribution in several continuous drill core sections in the northern Baltic. This paper presents a new scheme in which many new data on vertebrate distribution from the Baltica (Baltic region, NW Russia), Avalonia (southern Britain, eastern Canada),Laurentia (northern Canada, Greenland, Scotland) and Kara (Arctic Russia) palaeocontinents have been used. All the zones have been defined, and the geographical distribution and the reference stratum and locality for each zone have been given. The Llandovery part of the succession contains the Valyalepis crista, Loganellia aldridgei and L. scotica zones; the Wenlock part is represented by the Archipelepis bifurcata/Arch. turbinata, L. grossi, Overia adraini, L. einari and Paralogania martinssoni zones. The Par. martinssoni Zone continues in the Ludlow and is followed by the Phlebolepis ornata, Phl. elegans, Andreolepis hedei,Thelodus sculptilis and T. admirabilis zones. The last zone continues in the lower P?idoli and is followed by the Nostolepis gracilis, Poracanthodes punctatus and Trimerolepis timanica zones. The L. aldridgei and Arch. bifurcata zones are new, and the Arch. turbinata and O. adraini faunas have been raised from 'faunal succession units' to zones. The geographically widely distributed L. grossi Zone in the upper Sheinwoodian and the Par. martinssoni Zone in the upper Homerian?lowermost Gorstian allow the integration of regional successions into one Generalized Vertebrate Zonal Scheme. Possible correlations of conodont and vertebrate biozones, and gaps in sedimentation in the northern East Baltic Silurian sequence have been discussed, the most extensive hiatus being between the Paadla and Kuressaare stages.
机译:志留纪地层的第一个基于脊椎动物的细分主要来自英国露头的材料和波罗的海南部的钻探岩心。大约二十年前,第一个脊椎动物生物带计划是根据波罗的海北部几个连续钻探岩心区域中的脊椎动物分布开发的。本文提出了一个新方案,其中来自Baltica(波罗的海地区,俄罗斯西北部),Avalonia(英国南部,加拿大东部),Laurentia(加拿大北部,格陵兰岛,苏格兰)和Kara(北极)的许多新的脊椎动物分布数据被用过。已经定义了所有区域,并给出了每个区域的地理分布,参考层和位置。演替过程中的兰多瓦部分包括瓦尔谷(Valyalepis crista),罗氏(Loganellia)aldridgei和L. scotica带。 Wenlock部分由Archipelepis bifurcata / Arch代表。 turbinata,L。Grossi,Overia adraini,L。einari和Paralogania martinssoni地区。面值。 Martinssoni区在Ludlow继续延伸,其后是Phlebolepis ornata,Phl。线虫,Andreolepis hedei,Thelodus sculptilis和T. admirabilis区。最后一个区域继续位于下波多里多(P?idoli)下部,其后依次是Nostolepis gracilis,Poracanthodes punctatus和Trimerolepis timanica地区。 L. aldridgei和拱。 bifurcata地区是新的,还有拱门。 turbinata和O. adraini动物区系已从“动物演替单位”饲养到各个地区。 Sheinwoodian上和Par的地理分布广泛的L. Grossi区。荷马里安河上部的马丁斯索尼区或最低的戈尔斯蒂安区允许将区域演替整合到一个广义的椎骨分区计划中。讨论了牙形刺和脊椎动物生物带的可能相关性,以及东波罗的海志留纪层系北部沉积的间隙,其中最广泛的裂隙是在Paadla和Kuressaare阶段之间。



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