首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Forest Engineering >Harvesting elevation potential from mountain forests

Harvesting elevation potential from mountain forests


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For a limited set of conditions we have shown that recovering braking energy from log trucks descending from high elevation stands to lower elevation manufacturing facilities can reduce the size of the battery required to run a log truck. Adding levelhighway hauls after descending from the higher elevation stands quickly increases the required battery capacity. The effect of conversion efficiency on the required battery capacity is correlated with the change in elevation along the haul route. At a conversion efficiency of 100 (battery-to-wheels and wheels-to-battery), the cumulative battery usage on the base profile (elevation factor = 1.0) is only one-half of what it would have been compared to a level road of the same horizontal length (elevation factor = 0.0). When the conversion efficiency is set to 60, the cumulative battery usage for the base profile would be the same as if the truck had been on a level road of the same horizontal distance. For the actual haul route considered in this paper the minimum battery mass required for a single round trip is limited by peak power requirements; however, energy storage becomes limiting as longer level highway haul sections are added.
机译:对于一组有限的条件,我们已经表明,从高海拔林台下降到低海拔制造设施的原木卡车中回收制动能量可以减小运行原木卡车所需的电池尺寸。从高海拔看台下降后增加平整的公路运输可以迅速增加所需的电池容量。转换效率对所需电池容量的影响与运输路线沿线的海拔变化相关。在转换效率为 100%(电池到车轮和车轮到电池)的情况下,基本轮廓(仰角系数 = 1.0)上的累积电池使用量仅为与相同水平长度的平坦道路(仰角系数 = 0.0)相比的一半。当转换效率设置为 60% 时,基本配置文件的累积电池使用量将与卡车在相同水平距离的平坦道路上行驶时相同。对于本文考虑的实际运输路线,单次往返所需的最小电池质量受峰值功率要求的限制;然而,随着更长级别的高速公路运输路段的增加,储能变得有限。




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