首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Forest Engineering >The effects of using soil protective mats of varying compositions and amounts on the intensity of soil disturbances caused by machine traffic

The effects of using soil protective mats of varying compositions and amounts on the intensity of soil disturbances caused by machine traffic


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We quantified the effectiveness of different soil protective mat compositions (brush, sawdust, combination of brush and sawdust) and densities (light density of 10 kg m"2 and heavy density of 20 kg rrT2) on compaction and rutting on skid trails in mountainous forests following one, four, and 10 machine passes on two trail gradient classes (s 20 and > 20). Soil bulk density and rut depth increased markedly with traffic frequency on both slope gradient classes on bare and protected soil, but soil protective mats delayed the onset of adverse soil responses and reduced the level of soil damage. Brush mats provided a more effective protection than sawdust and the combination of brush and sawdust and heavy density brush mats more so than light density mats. Compared to bare soil, heavy brush reinforcement significantly reduced bulk density for up to 10 passes on trail gradients 20, regardless of soil protective mat composition. Light and heavy brush mats significantly reduced rut depth at all traffic frequencies on both slope classes. Because the effectiveness of soil protection afforded by the mats diminished with increasing traffic, brush mats provide a particularly effective protection for less trafficked trail segments where brush mats substantially diminished or even eliminated rutting altogether.
机译:我们量化了不同土壤保护垫组合物(刷子、锯末、刷子和锯末的组合)和密度(光密度为 10 kg m“2 和重密度为 20 kg rrT2)对山地森林滑道的压实和车辙的有效性,在两个步道坡度等级(s 20% 和 > 20%)上进行了 1 次、4 次和 10 次机器通过。裸露土和保护土的坡度等级均随着交通频率的增加,土壤容重和车辙深度显著增加,但土壤保护垫延缓了不良土壤反应的发生,降低了土壤破坏程度。刷垫提供了比锯末更有效的保护,刷子和锯末以及高密度刷垫的组合比轻密度垫更是如此。与裸露土壤相比,无论土壤保护垫成分如何,重灌木加固都显着降低了堆积密度,在坡上多达 4 次。在两个坡度上,轻型和重型灌木垫在所有交通频率下都显着降低了车辙深度。由于垫子提供的土壤保护效果随着交通量的增加而减弱,因此灌木垫为交通量较少的路段提供了特别有效的保护,在这些路段中,刷子垫大大减少甚至完全消除了车辙。




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