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Circulatory Response to Repeated Exercise in Patients with Chronic Lung Disease




The pulmonary and systemic circulatory response to repeated exercise has been studied in 24 patients with chronic lung disease, mainly chronic bronchitis. The exercise consisted of supine bicycling at a constant low load (from loadless pedalling to 30 W) for 10 min with a 20 min rest period between exercises. Cardiac output was similar during the first (E1)and the second (E2) exercise periods, as well as pulmonary vascular resistance. Systemic arterial pressure, however, was lower during E2 than during E1, and this difference was significantly correlated with lung function (VC predicted, FEV1 and FEV1 predicted) and blood gases at rest and during exercise. The patients with PaO2 below 65 mm Hg showed a larger increase in systemic arterial pressure during E1 and a smaller increase during E2 than the others. The larger increase might be due to a vasoconstrictor effect of hypoxemia and/or of the functional residual capacity increase observed in such patients with exercise. Whatever the mechanism involved, these results show that the systemic circulation is modified in patients with chronic lung disease. Results after some intervention have to be interpreted with caution if the protocol includes two exercise periods
机译:已在 24 例慢性肺病患者(主要是慢性支气管炎)中研究了对重复运动的肺部和全身循环反应。该练习包括仰卧骑自行车,在恒定的低负荷下(从无负荷踩踏到 30 W)持续 10 分钟,两次练习之间有 20 分钟的休息时间。在第一次(E1)和第二次(E2)运动期间,心输出量相似,肺血管阻力也相似。然而,E2 期间的全身动脉压低于 E1 期间,并且这种差异与肺功能(预测的 VC 百分比、预测的 FEV1 和 FEV1 %)以及休息和运动期间的血气显着相关。PaO2 低于 65 mm Hg 的患者在 E1 期间体循环动脉压增加较大,在 E2 期间增加幅度较小。较大的增加可能是由于低氧血症的血管收缩作用和/或在此类运动患者中观察到的功能残余容量增加。无论涉及何种机制,这些结果都表明慢性肺病患者的体循环得到了改变。如果方案包括两个运动期,则必须谨慎解释某些干预后的结果




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