首页> 外文期刊>International journal of circumpolar health >The current status of diabetes care, diabetic retinopathy screening and eye-care in British Columbia's First Nations Communities.

The current status of diabetes care, diabetic retinopathy screening and eye-care in British Columbia's First Nations Communities.


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OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to evaluate the current status of primary diabetes care, diabetic retinopathy screening, and eye-care for First Nations individuals with diabetes living on-reserve in British Columbia. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective cross-sectional observational survey. METHODS: A mail-out survey was sent to all BC First Nations Communities in the format of a 26-item questionnaire. A series of general questions were asked concerning community populations, regional transportation options and the availability of local health-care providers. Specific questions about the frequency and source of eye and diabetic retinopathy care in each community were also solicited. RESULTS: A sixty-seven percent questionnaire response rate was achieved (136/202 communities). The community-reported rate of diabetes mellitus ranged from 4.8 to 11.8 with an average of 6.4. The proportion of on-reserve individuals with diabetes receiving yearly retinal examinations for diabetic retinopathy was found tobe only 33. Many communities received eye-care from more than one professional group, but the majority of basic eye-care and retinopathy screening was provided by optometrists. Ophthalmologists were less likely to provide eye care for these communities; however, family physicians and nurses were frequently responsible for performing eye evaluations. CONCLUSIONS: The vast majority of First Nations people with diabetes who live on-reserve in British Columbia do not have access to annual examinations by an eye-care professional. Eye evaluations and retinal screening were often the responsibility of individuals with little formal training in this area.
机译:目的: 本研究的目的是评估不列颠哥伦比亚省保留地原住民糖尿病患者的初级糖尿病护理、糖尿病视网膜病变筛查和眼科护理的现状。研究设计: 前瞻性横断面观察调查。方法:以26项问卷的形式向所有卑诗省原住民社区发送了一份邮寄调查。会上提出了一系列关于社区人口、区域交通选择和当地保健提供者可用性的一般性问题。还征求了有关每个社区眼部和糖尿病视网膜病变护理的频率和来源的具体问题。结果:问卷回复率为 67%(136/202 个社区)。社区报告的糖尿病发病率从4.8%到11.8%不等,平均为6.4%。发现每年接受糖尿病视网膜病变视网膜检查的糖尿病保留个体比例仅为 33%。许多社区接受不止一个专业团体的眼科护理,但大多数基本的眼科护理和视网膜病变筛查是由验光师提供的。眼科医生不太可能为这些社区提供眼科护理;然而,家庭医生和护士经常负责进行眼科评估。结论:绝大多数居住在不列颠哥伦比亚省保留地的原住民糖尿病患者无法获得眼科护理专业人员的年度检查。眼科评估和视网膜筛查通常是在这一领域几乎没有接受过正规培训的个人的责任。



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