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Bone mineral density: testing for osteoporosis


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Primary osteoporosis is related to bone loss from ageing. Secondary osteoporosis results from specific conditions that may be reversible. A thoracolumbar X-ray is useful in identifying vertebral fractures, and dual energy X-ray absorptiometry is the preferred method of calculating bone mineral density. The density of the total hip is the best predictor for a hip fracture, while the lumbar spine is the best site for monitoring the effect of treatment. The T-score is a comparison of the patient's bone density with healthy, young individuals of the same sex. A negative T-score of -2.5 or less at the femoral neck defines osteoporosis. The Z-score is a comparison with the bone density of people of the same age and sex as the patient. A negative Z-score of -2.5 or less should raise suspicion of a secondary cause of osteoporosis. Clinical risk calculators can be used to predict the 10-year probability of a hip or major osteoporotic fracture. A probability of more than 5 for the hip or more than 20 for any fracture is abnormal and treatment may be warranted.
机译:原发性骨质疏松症与衰老导致的骨质流失有关。继发性骨质疏松症由可逆的特定疾病引起。胸腰椎 X 线检查可用于识别椎体骨折,双能 X 线吸收测定法是计算骨密度的首选方法。全髋关节密度是髋部骨折的最佳预测指标,而腰椎是监测治疗效果的最佳部位。T 评分是患者骨密度与健康、同性别年轻人的比较。股骨颈 T 评分为 -2.5 或更低的阴性定义为骨质疏松症。Z 评分是与患者同龄和同性别人群的骨密度比较。如果 Z 值为 -2.5 或更低,则应怀疑骨质疏松症的继发性病因。临床风险计算器可用于预测髋部或严重骨质疏松性骨折的 10 年概率。髋关节骨折概率超过 5% 或骨折概率超过 20% 是异常的,可能需要治疗。



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