首页> 外文期刊>Drug and alcohol review >H H istory of being in government care associated with younger age at injection initiation among a cohort of street‐involved youth

H H istory of being in government care associated with younger age at injection initiation among a cohort of street‐involved youth

机译:H H 在一组街头参与的青年中,与注射开始时年龄较小的政府护理相关的故事

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Abstract Introduction and Aims Compared to the general population of youth, health‐related disparities experienced by youth exposed to the child welfare system are well documented. Amongst these vulnerabilities are elevated rates of substance use, including injection drug use; however, less is known about when these youth transition to this high‐risk behaviour. We sought to assess whether having a history of government care is associated with initiating injection drug use before age 18. Design and Methods Between September 2005 and May 2014, data were derived from the At‐Risk Youth Study, a cohort of street‐involved youth who use illicit drugs in Vancouver, Canada. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was employed to examine the relationship between early initiation of injection drug use and having a history of being in government care. Results Among the 581 injecting street‐involved youth included, 229 (39) reported initiating injection drug use before 18?years of age. In multivariable analysis, despite controlling for a range of potential confounders, having a history of government care remained significantly associated with initiating injection drug use before age 18 (adjusted odds ratio?=?1.69; 95 confidence interval: 1.15–2.48). Discussion and Conclusions Youth with a history of being in government care were significantly more likely to initiate injection drug use before age 18 than street‐involved youth without a history of being in care. These findings imply that youth in the child welfare system are at higher risk and suggest that interventions are needed to prevent transitions into high‐risk substance use among this population.
机译:摘要 引言和目标 与一般青年人口相比,接触儿童福利系统的青年所经历的与健康有关的差异是有据可查的。这些脆弱性包括药物使用率上升,包括注射吸毒;然而,人们对这些年轻人何时过渡到这种高风险行为知之甚少。我们试图评估有政府护理史是否与18岁之前开始注射吸毒有关。设计和方法 2005 年 9 月至 2014 年 5 月期间,数据来自高危青年研究,这是加拿大温哥华使用非法药物的街头青年队列。采用多变量logistic回归分析来检验早期开始注射吸毒与有政府护理史之间的关系。结果 在纳入的581名街头注射青少年中,229名(39%)报告在18岁之前开始注射吸毒。在多变量分析中,尽管控制了一系列潜在的混杂因素,但有政府护理史仍然与18岁之前开始注射吸毒显著相关(校正比值比?=?1.69;95%置信区间:1.15-2.48)。讨论与结论 与没有接受政府照料史的街头青少年相比,有政府照料史的青少年在 18 岁之前开始注射吸毒的可能性要大得多。这些发现意味着儿童福利系统中的青少年面临更高的风险,并表明需要采取干预措施来防止这一人群过渡到高风险物质使用。



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