首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications: Transactions of the ASME >Experimental and Numerical Investigations on Louvered Fin-and-Tube Heat Exchanger With Variable Geometrical Parameters

Experimental and Numerical Investigations on Louvered Fin-and-Tube Heat Exchanger With Variable Geometrical Parameters


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The effects of geometrical arrangement on the heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics in compact louvered fin-and-tube heat exchangers were studied experimentally and numerically along with ε - NTU method. Different geometrical parameters including louver angle, louver pitch, louver number, the nonlouvered inlet and exit fin length, and redirection of fluid flow are considered to determine their effects on the flow field. The study is performed for different louver angles varying from θ_L = 12 to 60 deg, and optimal heat transfer rate is obtained at louver angle of θ_L = 28deg. Also, it is found that increasing the louver number, N_L, on the fin surface enhances the heat transfer performance. It is shown that the average Nusselt number is increased as the louver pitch is decreased and its optimum value is obtained at L_p = 0.9 mm. However, comparing to the effect of louver number, the louver pitch has a small effect on the performance of the heat exchanger. Additionally, the optimum values of nonlouvered inlet and exit fin length and redirection length of fin are obtained with different flow conditions.
机译:采用ε-NTU方法,通过实验和数值方法研究了几何排列对紧凑型百叶叶片管式换热器传热和压降特性的影响。考虑了不同的几何参数,包括百叶窗角度、百叶窗螺距、百叶窗数、非百叶窗入口和出口翅片长度以及流体流动的重定向,以确定它们对流场的影响。该研究针对θ_L=12至60°的不同百叶窗角度进行,在θ_L=28°g的百叶角下获得最佳传热速率。此外,还发现增加翅片表面的百叶窗数(N_L)可以增强传热性能。结果表明,随着百叶窗间距的减小,平均努塞尔数增加,其最佳值在L_p = 0.9 mm时获得。但是,与百叶窗数的影响相比,百叶窗间距对换热器性能的影响很小。此外,在不同流动条件下,非百叶窗进出口鳍片长度和翅片重定向长度的最优值也得到了。



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