首页> 外文期刊>International journal of circumpolar health >Systemic reactions of haemostasis, haemodynamics, blood lipids and thrombocyte membrane state in watch labour in the trans-polar region.

Systemic reactions of haemostasis, haemodynamics, blood lipids and thrombocyte membrane state in watch labour in the trans-polar region.


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Various types of system reactions of men's organism to industrial migrations (Tyumen--in latitude 57 degrees north and Kharasavey in latitude 71 degrees north) and the influence of climate stress are determined. Type I reaction is characterised by a moderate increase of the watch and its subsequent normalisation. Thus the tendency to hypocoagulaemia and POL processes increase, and AOD activation of thrombocyte membranes and total phospholipids content increase in the statistically significant lysolecitin increase (p<0.05). Type II reaction is characterised by the hypertensive state for the whole period of the watch. Simultaneously with it a tendency to hypercoagulaemia, an increase of POL processes and AOD decrease of thrombocyte membranes as well as significant changes in the phospholipids spectrum with a considerable increase of lysolecitin and cardiolipin fractions are observed. Type III reaction is characterised by the development of signs of the asthenic symptocomplex, hypotonia and sleep disturbances. Thus, the tendency to hypocoagulaemia, POL processes activation and AOD decrease as well as decrease of total phospholipid content is observed.
机译:确定了人类有机体对工业迁移(秋明-北纬57度和北纬71度的Kharasavey)的各种系统反应以及气候胁迫的影响。I型反应的特征是手表适度增加,随后恢复正常。因此,低凝血症和POL过程的倾向增加,血小板膜的AOD活化和总磷脂含量增加,具有统计学意义的赖索西丁增加(p<0.05)。II型反应的特征是在整个手表期间处于高血压状态。同时观察到高凝血症的趋势,血小板膜的POL过程增加和AOD减少以及磷脂谱的显着变化,溶血素和心磷脂分数显着增加。III型反应的特征是出现虚弱症状复合体,肌张力减退和睡眠障碍的迹象。因此,观察到低凝血症、POL 过程激活和 AOD 降低以及总磷脂含量降低的趋势。



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