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Calling out the umpires: Software aims to take subjectivity out of the strike zone


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If you're a baseball fan, you've no doubt told yourself a time or two that you could do a better job than the home-plate umpire, but can a computer? Sports -technology company QuesTec Inc (www. questec.com) has developed a system that is already giving umpires a run for their money. In 2001, the company entered a five-year agreement with Major League Baseball to install, operate, and maintain its UIS (Umpire Information System) in every Major League ballpark. Today, the system has found a home in 13 parks. By next season, it could be in all of them. The company maintains that it does not intend for the technology to replace umpires but rather to help them improve their performance. Major League Baseball hopes that the system will also aid its effort to standardize and tighten the size of the strike zone, which in recent years has shifted lower and further outside home plate. The UIS is a more accurate and advanced version of QuesTec's PitchTrax system, which you may recognize from Fox baseball broadcasts.
机译:如果你是一个棒球迷,你无疑已经告诉自己一两次,你可以比本垒板裁判做得更好,但电脑可以吗?体育技术公司QuesTec Inc(www.questec.com)开发了一种系统,已经让裁判员们为他们的钱而战。2001 年,该公司与美国职业棒球大联盟签订了一项为期五年的协议,在每个美国职业棒球大联盟球场安装、运营和维护其 UIS(裁判信息系统)。如今,该系统已在13个公园找到了归宿。到下个赛季,它可能会出现在所有这些人身上。该公司坚持认为,它不打算让这项技术取代裁判员,而是帮助他们提高表现。美国职业棒球大联盟希望该系统也将有助于其标准化和收紧打击区的大小,近年来,打击区已经移低并远离本垒板。UIS 是 QuesTec 的 PitchTrax 系统的更准确和高级版本,您可能会从 Fox 棒球广播中认出它。



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