首页> 外文期刊>East Asian science, technology and society: an international journal >Li Jianmin, ed., Ch’ung i-liao k’an Chung-kuo shih 從醫療看中國史[Examining Chinese History Through Medicine] Taibei: Lianjing, 2008. 616 pp. ISBN: 9789570833270.

Li Jianmin, ed., Ch’ung i-liao k’an Chung-kuo shih 從醫療看中國史[Examining Chinese History Through Medicine] Taibei: Lianjing, 2008. 616 pp. ISBN: 9789570833270.

机译:Li Jianmin, ed., Ch’ung i-liao k’an Chung-kuo shih 从医疗看中国史[Examining Chinese History Through Medicine] Taibei: Lianjing, 2008. 616 pp. ISBN: 9789570833270.

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Who is best qualified to study the history of medicine? Physicians with technical training? Historians with a finer appreciation of how to approach the past? This issue has mostly been resolved in the West, where historians have largely replaced physicians, fulfilling the call of Henry Sigerist in the 1940s to move from the “Great Man in medicine” narrative to a more social and cultural approach. In Europe and the Americas, the history of medicine has emerged as an acknowledged field within history. Just consider the annual conference of the American Association for the History of Medicine, where historians rather than doctors now dominate the program. A quick browse through the contents of the association’s official journal, the Bulletin of the History of Medicine, confirms that most of the work is being done by scholars who belong to university history departments.
机译:谁最有资格研究医学史?医生接受过技术培训?历史学家对如何处理过去有了更好的理解?这个问题在西方已经得到了解决,在西方,历史学家已在很大程度上取代了医生,从而实现了1940年代亨利·西格里斯特(Henry Sigerist)的呼吁,即从“医学界的伟人”叙事转向更为社会和文化的方法。在欧洲和美洲,医学史已成为历史上公认的领域。只要考虑一下美国医学史协会的年度会议,该会议就由历史学家而不是医生主导。快速浏览协会官方杂志《医学史公报》的内容,可以确认大部分工作是由大学历史系的学者完成的。



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