首页> 外文期刊>International wound journal. >The influence of different sizes and types of wound fillers on wound contraction and tissue pressure during negative pressure wound therapy.

The influence of different sizes and types of wound fillers on wound contraction and tissue pressure during negative pressure wound therapy.


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Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) contracts the wound and alters the pressure in the tissue of the wound edge, which accelerates wound healing. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of the type (foam or gauze) and size (small or large) of wound filler for NPWT on wound contraction and tissue pressure. Negative pressures between --20 and --160 mmHg were applied to a peripheral porcine wound (n = 8). The pressure in the wound edge tissue was measured at distances of 0.1, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 cm from the wound edge and the wound diameter was determined. At 0.1 cm from the wound edge, the tissue pressure decreased when NPWT was applied, whereas at 0.5 cm it increased. Tissue pressure was not affected at 1.0 or 2.0 cm from the wound edge. The tissue pressure, at 0.5 cm from the wound edge, was greater when using a small foam than when using than a large foam. Wound contraction was greater when using a small foam than when using a large foam during NPWT. Gauze resulted in an intermediate wound contraction that was not affected by the size of the gauze filler. The use of a small foam to fill the wound causes considerable wound contraction and may thus be used when maximal mechanical stress and granulation tissue formation are desirable. Gauze or large amounts of foam result in less wound contraction which may be beneficial, for example when NPWT causes pain to the patient.
机译:负压伤口疗法(NPWT)使伤口收缩并改变伤口边缘组织中的压力,从而加速伤口愈合。这项研究的目的是检查NPWT伤口填充物的类型(泡沫或纱布)和大小(大小)对伤口收缩和组织压力的影响。将-20到--160 mmHg之间的负压施加到周围的猪伤口上(n = 8)。在距伤口边缘0.1、0.5、1.0和2.0cm的距离处测量伤口边缘组织中的压力,并确定伤口直径。在距伤口边缘0.1 cm处,当施加NPWT时组织压力下降,而在0.5 cm处,组织压力增加。距伤口边缘1.0或2.0 cm处组织压力不受影响。使用小泡沫时,距伤口边缘0.5厘米处的组织压力要大于大泡沫时的组织压力。在NPWT期间,使用小泡沫时的伤口收缩大于使用大泡沫时的伤口收缩。纱布导致的中间伤口收缩不受纱布填充物尺寸的影响。使用小的泡沫填充伤口会引起明显的伤口收缩,因此当需要最大的机械应力和肉芽组织形成时可以使用这种泡沫。纱布或大量泡沫会减少伤口收缩,这可能是有益的,例如当NPWT对患者造成疼痛时。



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