首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Clinical Investigation: The Official Journal of the American Society for Clinical Investigation >Platelet-derived miR-223 promotes a phenotypic switch in arterial injury repair

Platelet-derived miR-223 promotes a phenotypic switch in arterial injury repair

机译:血小板衍生的 miR-223 促进动脉损伤修复中的表型转换

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Upon arterial injury, endothelial denudation leads to platelet activation and delivery of multiple agents (e.g., TXA2, PDGF), promoting VSMC dedifferentiation and proliferation (intimal hyperplasia) during injury repair. The process of resolution of vessel injury repair, and prevention of excessive repair (switching VSMCs back to a differentiated quiescent state), is poorly understood. We now report that internalization of APs by VSMCs promotes resolution of arterial injury by switching on VSMC quiescence. Ex vivo and in vivo studies using lineage tracing reporter mice (PF4-cre x mT/mG) demonstrated uptake of GFP-labeled platelets (mG) by mTomato red-labeled VSMCs (mT) upon arterial wire injury. Genome-wide miRNA sequencing of VSMCs cocultured with APs identified significant increases in platelet-derived miR-223. miR-223 appears to directly target PDGFR beta (in VSMCs), reversing the injury-induced dedifferentiation. Upon arterial injury, platelet miR-223-KO mice exhibited increased intimal hyperplasia, whereas miR-223 mimics reduced intimal hyperplasia. Diabetic mice with reduced expression of miR-223 exhibited enhanced VSMC dedifferentiation and proliferation and increased intimal hyperplasia. Our results suggest that horizontal transfer of platelet-derived miRNAs into VSMCs provides a novel mechanism for regulating VSMC phenotypic switching. Platelets thus play a dual role in vascular injury repair, initiating an immediate repair process and, concurrently, a delayed process to prevent excessive repair.
机译:动脉损伤后,内皮剥落导致血小板活化和多种药物(例如 TXA2、PDGF)的递送,促进损伤修复过程中 VSMC 的去分化和增殖(内膜增生)。解决血管损伤修复和防止过度修复(将 VSMC 切换回差异化的静止状态)的过程知之甚少。我们现在报告说,VSMC 对 AP 的内化通过开启 VSMC 静止来促进动脉损伤的消退。使用谱系追踪报告小鼠 (PF4-cre x mT/mG) 的离体和体内研究表明,mTomato 红色标记的 VSMC (mT) 在动脉导线损伤时摄取 GFP 标记的血小板 (mG)。对与 AP 共培养的 VSMC 进行全基因组 miRNA 测序,发现血小板衍生的 miR-223 显著增加。miR-223 似乎直接靶向 PDGFR β(在 VSMC 中),逆转损伤诱导的去分化。动脉损伤后,血小板 miR-223-KO 小鼠表现出内膜增生增加,而 miR-223 模拟内膜增生减少。miR-223表达降低的糖尿病小鼠表现出增强的VSMC去分化和增殖以及内膜增生的增加。我们的研究结果表明,血小板衍生的miRNAs向VSMC的水平转移为调控VSMC表型转换提供了一种新的机制。因此,血小板在血管损伤修复中起着双重作用,启动即时修复过程,同时启动延迟过程以防止过度修复。



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