首页> 外文期刊>Acta materialia >Viscoplastic deformations and compressive damage in an A359/SiC_p metal-matrix composite

Viscoplastic deformations and compressive damage in an A359/SiC_p metal-matrix composite


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Recent work by the authors has examined the high-strain-rate compression of a metal-matrix composite consisting ofan A359 Al alloy matrix reinforced by 20 vol. percent of siliconcarbide particulates (SiC_p). The work-hardening that is observedin the experiments is much lower than that predicted by analyticaland computational models which assume perfect particle-matrixinterfaces and undamaged particles. In this work, we show that thediscrepancy is a result of particle damage that develops within theA359/ SiC_p composite under compression. The evolution ofparticle damage has been characterized using quantitativemicroscopy, and is shown to be a function of the applied strain. Asimple analytical model that incorporates evolving damage withinthe composite is proposed, and it is shown that the analyticalpredictions are consistent with the experimental observations overa wide range of strain rates.
机译:作者最近的工作研究了由A359 Al合金基体组成的金属基复合材料的高应变率压缩,该基体由20体积百分比的碳化硅颗粒(SiC_p)增强。在实验中观察到的加工硬化远低于分析和计算模型预测的硬化,这些模型假设完美的粒子矩阵界面和未受损的粒子。在这项工作中,我们表明差异是A359 / SiC_p复合材料在压缩下产生的颗粒损伤的结果。使用定量显微镜表征了颗粒损伤的演变,并被证明是所施加应变的函数。该文提出了一种包含复合材料内部演化损伤的简单解析模型,结果表明,在较宽的应变速率范围内,分析预测结果与实验观测结果一致。



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