首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Clinical Investigation: The Official Journal of the American Society for Clinical Investigation >Cumulative mechanisms of lymphoid tissue fibrosis and T cell depletion in HIV-1 and SIV infections.

Cumulative mechanisms of lymphoid tissue fibrosis and T cell depletion in HIV-1 and SIV infections.

机译:HIV-1 和 SIV 感染中淋巴组织纤维化和 T 细胞耗竭的累积机制。

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The hallmark of HIV-1 and SIV infections is CD4(+) T cell depletion. Both direct cell killing and indirect mechanisms related to immune activation have been suggested to cause the depletion of T cells. We have now identified a mechanism by which immune activation-induced fibrosis of lymphoid tissues leads to depletion of naive T cells in HIV-1 infected patients and SIV-infected rhesus macaques. The T regulatory cell response to immune activation increased procollagen production and subsequent deposition as fibrils via the TGF-beta1 signaling pathway and chitinase 3-like-1 activity in fibroblasts in lymphoid tissues from patients infected with HIV-1. Collagen deposition restricted T cell access to the survival factor IL-7 on the fibroblastic reticular cell (FRC) network, resulting in apoptosis and depletion of T cells, which, in turn, removed a major source of lymphotoxin-beta, a survival factor for FRCs during SIV infection in rhesus macaques. The resulting loss of FRCs and the loss of IL-7 produced by FRCs may thus perpetuate a vicious cycle of depletion of T cells and the FRC network. Because this process is cumulative, early treatment and antifibrotic therapies may offer approaches to moderate T cell depletion and improve immune reconstitution during HIV-1 infection.
机译:HIV-1 和 SIV 感染的标志是 CD4(+) T 细胞耗竭。直接细胞杀伤和与免疫激活相关的间接机制都被认为会导致 T 细胞的耗竭。我们现在已经确定了一种机制,通过该机制,免疫激活诱导的淋巴组织纤维化导致HIV-1感染患者和SIV感染的恒河猴中幼稚T细胞的耗竭。T 调节细胞对免疫激活的反应增加了前胶原的产生,并随后通过 TGF-β1 信号通路和几丁质酶 3-like-1 活性在感染 HIV-1 患者的淋巴组织中的成纤维细胞中沉积为原纤维。胶原沉积限制了 T 细胞在成纤维细胞网状细胞 (FRC) 网络上获得存活因子 IL-7 的途径,导致 T 细胞凋亡和耗竭,这反过来又去除了淋巴毒素-β 的主要来源,淋巴毒素-β 是恒河猴 SIV 感染期间 FRC 的存活因子。因此,由此产生的 FRC 损失和 FRC 产生的 IL-7 损失可能会使 T 细胞和 FRC 网络耗竭的恶性循环永久化。由于这一过程是累积的,早期治疗和抗纤维化治疗可能提供中度 T 细胞耗竭和改善 HIV-1 感染期间免疫重建的方法。



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