
Experimental gravitation


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100 years after the invention of General Relativity (GR) and 110 years after the development of Special Relativity (SR) we have to state that until now no single experiment or observation allows any doubt about the validity of these theories within the accuracy of the available data. Tests of GR can be divided into three categories: (i) test of the foundations of GR, (ii) tests of the consequences of GR, and (iii) test of the interplay between GR and quantum mechanics. In the first category, we have tests of the Einstein Equivalence Principle and the structure of the Newton axioms, in the second category we have effects like the gravitational redshift, light defection, gravitational time delay, the perihelion shift, the gravitomagnetic effects as the Lense-Thirring and Schiff effect, and gravitational waves. Tests of the effects of gravity on quantum systems are a first step towards experiments searching for a quantum gravity theory. In this paper, we also highlight practical applications in positioning, geodesy, and the International Atomic Time. After 100 years, GR can now definitely be regarded also as practical and applied science.
机译:在广义相对论(GR)发明100年后以及相对论(SR)发展110年之后,我们必须声明,迄今为止,没有任何一个实验或观察可以对现有理论的准确性提出任何疑问。数据。 GR的测试可以分为三类:(i)GR的基础测试,(ii)GR的结果测试,以及(iii)GR与量子力学之间相互作用的测试。在第一类中,我们对爱因斯坦等效原理和牛顿公理的结构进行了检验,在第二类中,我们具有引力红移,光缺陷,引力时间延迟,近日点平移,引力效应(如伦斯) -干裂和席夫效应,以及引力波。测试引力对量子系统的影响是探索量子引力理论的实验的第一步。在本文中,我们还将重点介绍定位,大地测量学和国际原子时间中的实际应用。经过100年的发展,GR现在绝对可以视为实用科学和应用科学。



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