首页> 外文期刊>Astronomy and astrophysics >The intrinsic dispersion in the Faber-Jackson relation for early-type galaxies as function of the mass and redshift

The intrinsic dispersion in the Faber-Jackson relation for early-type galaxies as function of the mass and redshift


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It has been reported that the intrinsic dispersion at constant magnitude in the structural relations of early-type galaxies is a useful tool to study the universality of these structural relations, that is to say, to study whether the structural relations depend on luminosity, wavelength, redshift, and/or environment. Aims. We study the intrinsic dispersion at approximately constant magnitude in the Faber-Jackson relation as a function of luminosity, mass, and redshift. Methods. We use a sample of approximately 90 000 early-type galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-DR7) spanning a magnitude range of 7 mag in both g and r filters. We calculate the intrinsic dispersion in the Faber-Jackson relation at approximately constant magnitude and compare this at different luminosities, masses, and redshifts. Results. The main results are the following: i) the intrinsic dispersion in the Faber-Jackson relation depends on the luminosity, mass, and redshift; ii) the distribution for brighter and more massive galaxies has smaller intrinsic dispersion than that for fainter and less massive galaxies; iii) the distribution of bright and massive galaxies at higher redshift has smaller intrinsic dispersion than similar galaxies at low redshift. Conclusions. Comparisons of the results found in this work with recent studies from the literature make us conclude that the intrinsic dispersion in the Faber-Jackson relation could depend on the history of galaxies, in other words, the intrinsic dispersion could depend on the number and nature of transformation events that have affected the galaxies during their life times, such as collapse, accretion, interaction, and merging.
机译:据报道,早期星系结构关系中恒定大小的固有色散是研究这些结构关系的普遍性的有用工具,也就是说,研究结构关系是否取决于光度、波长、红移和/或环境。目标。我们研究了Faber-Jackson关系中近似恒定大小的固有色散作为光度、质量和红移的函数。方法。我们使用了来自斯隆数字巡天(SDSS-DR7)的大约90 000个早期星系的样本,在g和r滤光片中跨越了7等星等范围。我们计算了近似恒定星等的Faber-Jackson关系中的固有色散,并在不同的光度、质量和红移下进行了比较。结果。主要结果如下:i)Faber-Jackson关系中的固有色散取决于光度、质量和红移;ii)较亮和质量较大的星系的分布比较暗和质量较小的星系具有更小的固有色散;iii)高红移时明亮和大质量星系的分布比低红移下的类似星系具有更小的固有色散。结论。将这项工作中发现的结果与文献中的最新研究进行比较,使我们得出结论,Faber-Jackson关系中的内在色散可能取决于星系的历史,换句话说,内在色散可能取决于在其生命期间影响星系的变换事件的数量和性质, 如坍缩、吸积、相互作用和合并。




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