首页> 外文期刊>IEICE Transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications & computer sciences >An Adaptation Method for Morphological Opening Filters with a Smoothness Penalty on Structuring Elements

An Adaptation Method for Morphological Opening Filters with a Smoothness Penalty on Structuring Elements

机译:An Adaptation Method for Morphological Opening Filters with a Smoothness Penalty on Structuring Elements

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This paper proposes an adaptation method for structuring elements of morphological filters. A structuring element of a morphological filter specifies a shape of local structures that is eliminated or preserved in the output. The adaptation of the structuring element is hence a crucial problem for image denoising using morphological filters. Existing adaptation methods for structuring elements require preliminary training using example images. We propose an adaptation method for structuring elements of morphological opening filters that does not require such training. In our approach, the opening filter is interpreted as an approximation method with the union of the structuring elements. In order to eliminate noise components, a penalty defined from an assumption of image smoothness is imposed on the structuring element. Image denoising is achieved through decreasing the objective function, which is the sum of an approximation error term and the penalty function. In experiments, we use the proposed method to demonstrate positive impulsive noise reduction from images.




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