首页> 外文期刊>journal of applied physics >An investigation of Si‐SiO2interface charges in thermally oxidized (100), (110), (111), and (511) silicon

An investigation of Si‐SiO2interface charges in thermally oxidized (100), (110), (111), and (511) silicon




Trends in the electronic properties of the Si‐SiO2interface with various processing have been frequently reported. The present study focuses on silicon substrate orientation dependent trends in fixed oxide charge,Qf, and interface trap charge,Dit, for four silicon orientations: (100), (110), (111), and (511), for oxidation temperatures in the 750–1100 °C range, with and without hydrogen‐containing post‐metal anneals, and for processing within and without a cleanroom. It is found that the presence of mobile ionic charge in non‐cleanroom processing and the lack of post‐metal annealing can either obscure or enhance some trends. BothQfandDitincrease for decreasing oxidation temperature for all silicon orientations. The orientational ordering of the charges varies with oxidation temperature and is dominated by the silicon atom areal density at the lowest temperatures with (110) Si having the highest charge, but a change to the (111) orientation is observed at higher oxidation temperatures. This orientational charge ordering parallels the orientational oxidation rate ordering but not the intrinsic stress. A model is proposed that considers the orientationally dominated oxidation rate, viscous relaxation, and strain accommodation across the interface as crucial processes.
机译:Si‐SiO2界面的电子性质趋势与各种加工经常被报道。本研究的重点是固定氧化物电荷 Qf 和界面陷阱电荷 Dit 中硅衬底取向依赖的趋势,适用于四种硅取向:(100)、(110)、(111) 和 (511),氧化温度在 750–1100 °C 范围内,有和没有含氢和含连字符的后/连字符金属退火,以及在洁净室内和不带洁净室内和不进行加工。研究发现,在非连字符洁净室处理中移动离子电荷的存在以及缺乏后连字符金属退火可以掩盖或增强一些趋势。BothQfandDitincrease 用于降低所有硅取向的氧化温度。电荷的取向顺序随氧化温度而变化,在最低温度下以硅原子面密度为主,其中(110)Si的电荷最高,但在较高的氧化温度下观察到(111)取向的变化。这种取向电荷排序与取向氧化速率排序平行,但与内在应力无关。提出了一个模型,该模型将取向主导的氧化速率、粘性松弛和跨界面的应变调节视为关键过程。




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