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Security Analysis of a Multi-Receiver Identity-Based Key Encapsulation Mechanism


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In INDOCRYPT 2006, Chatterjee and Sarkar suggested a multi-receiver identity-based key encapsulation mechanism that is secure in the full model without random oracles. Until now. it has been believed that their scheme is the only one to provide such a security feature, while achieving sub-linear size ciphertext. In this letter, we show that their scheme is insecure in the sense that any revoked user can retrieve a message encryption key, even without colluding with other revoked users. Our attack comes from an analysis of a publicly computable surjective function used in the scheme.
机译:在 INDOCRYPT 2006 中,Chatterjee 和 Sarkar 提出了一种基于多接收者身份的密钥封装机制,该机制在完整模型中是安全的,没有随机预言机。直到现在。人们认为,他们的方案是唯一一种提供这种安全功能的方案,同时实现了亚线性大小的密文。在这封信中,我们表明他们的方案是不安全的,因为任何被撤销的用户都可以检索消息加密密钥,即使没有与其他被撤销的用户勾结。我们的攻击来自对方案中使用的可公开计算的射出函数的分析。




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