首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. >Past role and future outlook of the Conservation Reserve Program for supporting honey bees in the Great Plains

Past role and future outlook of the Conservation Reserve Program for supporting honey bees in the Great Plains


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Human dependence on insect pollinators continues to grow even as pollinators face global declines. The Northern Great Plains (NGP), a region often referred to as America's last honey bee (Apis mellifera) refuge, has undergone rapid land-cover change due to cropland expansion and weakened land conservation programs. We conducted a trend analysis and estimated conversion rates of Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) enrollments around bee apiaries from 2006 to 2016 and developed models to identify areas of habitat loss. Our analysis revealed that NGP apiaries lost over 53 of lands enrolled in the CRP, and the rate of loss was highest in areas of high apiary density. We estimated over 163,000 ha of CRP lands in 2006 within 1.6 km of apiaries was converted to row crops by 2012. We also evaluated how alternative scenarios of future CRP acreage caps may affect habitat suitability for supporting honey bee colonies. Our scenario revealed that a further reduction in CRP lands to 7.7 million ha nationally would reduce the number of apiaries in the NGP that meet defined forage criteria by 28 on average. Alternatively, increasing the national cap to 15 million ha would increase the number of NGP apiaries that meet defined forage criteria by 155. Our scenarios also show that strategic placement of CRP lands near existing apiaries increased the number of apiaries that meet forage criteria by 182. Our research will be useful for informing the potential consequences of future US farm bill policy and land management in the epicenter of the US beekeeping industry.
机译:人类对昆虫传粉媒介的依赖仍在继续增长,即使传粉媒介面临全球衰退。北部大平原(NGP)地区通常被称为美国最后的蜜蜂(Apis mellifera)避难所,由于农田扩张和土地保护计划的削弱,土地覆盖发生了快速变化。从2006年到2016年,我们对蜜蜂养蜂场周围的保护保护区计划(CRP)注册进行了趋势分析和估计转化率,并开发了模型来识别栖息地丧失的区域。我们的分析显示,NGP养蜂场损失了超过53%的土地,在养蜂场密度高的地区,损失率最高。我们估计,到2012年,在养蜂场1.6公里范围内,超过163,000公顷的CRP土地被转换为行作物。我们还评估了未来 CRP 种植面积上限的替代情景如何影响支持蜜蜂群落的栖息地适宜性。我们的情景显示,如果全国CRP土地进一步减少到770万公顷,NGP中符合规定饲草标准的养蜂场数量将平均减少28%。或者,将国家上限提高到1500万公顷将使符合规定饲草标准的NGP养蜂场数量增加155%。我们的情景还表明,在现有养蜂场附近战略性地放置 CRP 土地使符合饲草标准的养蜂场数量增加了 182%。我们的研究将有助于了解未来美国农业法案政策和土地管理在美国养蜂业中心的潜在后果。




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