首页> 外文期刊>journal of applied physics >The asymmetric deformation of GaAs single crystals

The asymmetric deformation of GaAs single crystals




The deformation of Si‐doped GaAs single crystals with a carrier concentration of 1018cm−3was investigated by determining the stress/strain relationships for agr; and bgr; bending at 500 °C. Marked differences were found between the agr; and bgr; deformation curves. Using Gilman and Johnston’s model for dislocation multiplication and combining it with a linear relationship between the dislocation velocity and applied stress, a theoretical model was developed to explain the above‐mentioned differences in terms of dislocation mobilities mgr;, dislocation multiplication factorsC, activation stresses tgr;a, and the initial densities of dislocation sources rgr;0. Applying a numerical curve fitting procedure to the experimental curves, these parameters were found to have the following values for agr; and bgr; bending, respectively: mgr;agr;=8.5×10−12and mgr;bgr;=3.8×10−12cm3 dyn−1 sec−1;Cagr;=89 andCbgr;=130 cm−1; tgr;aagr;=2.11×108and tgr;abgr;=2.7×108dyn cm−2; rgr;0agr;=9×105and rgr;0bgr;=4.5×102cm−2.
机译:通过确定&agr;和&bgr;在500 °C下弯曲的应力/应变关系,研究了载流子浓度为1018cm−3的Si‐掺杂GaAs单晶的变形。 &agr; 和 &bgr; 变形曲线之间存在显著差异。利用Gilman和Johnston的位错乘法模型,并将其与位错速度与外加应力之间的线性关系相结合,建立了一个理论模型来解释上述位错迁移率&mgr;、位错倍增因子C、活化应力&tgr;a和位错源初始密度&rgr;0的差异。将数值曲线拟合程序应用于实验曲线,发现这些参数分别具有以下 &agr; 和 &bgr; 弯曲值:&mgr;&agr;=8.5×10−12 和 &mgr;&bgr;=3.8×10−12cm3 dyn−1 sec−1;C&agr;=89 和 C&bgr;=130 cm−1;&tgr;a&agr;=2.11×108和 &tgr;a&bgr;=2.7×108dyn cm−2;&rgr;0&agr;=9×105和 &rgr;0&bgr;=4.5×102cm−2.




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