首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Physics >Craters on silicon surfaces created by gas cluster ion impacts

Craters on silicon surfaces created by gas cluster ion impacts


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Atomic force microscopy (AFM) and high-resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM) cross section imaging of individual gas cluster ion impact craters on Si(100) and Si(111) substrate surfaces is examined. The comparison between 3 and 24 kV cluster impacts from Ar and O_(2) gas sources is shown. Results for low fluence (10~(10) ions/cm~(2)) 24 kV Ar individual cluster impacts onto a Si(100) and Si(111) substrate surfaces are compared with hybrid molecular dynamics (HMD) simulations. A HMD method is used for modeling impacts of Ar_(n) (n=135, 225) clusters, with energies of 24-50 eV/atom, on Si(100) and Si(111) surfaces. On a Si(100), craters are nearly triangular in cross section, with the facets directed along the close-packed (111) planes. The Si(100) craters exhibit four-fold symmetry as imaged by cross-sectional HRTEM, and AFM top view, in agreement with modeling. In contrast, the shape of craters on a Si(111) shows a complicated six-pointed shape in the modeling, while AFM indicates three-fold symmetry of the impact. The lower energy 3 kV individual cluster impacts reveal the same crater shape in HRTEM cross section for both Ar and O_(2) gas clusters, but with shallower crater depth than for the higher-energy impacts. The kinetics of the Ar and O_(2) crater impacts may explain the successful use of higher-energy cluster impacts for etching material of higher initial surface roughness followed by the lower-energy impacts as an effective finishing step to achieve smoother surfaces.
机译:研究了原子力显微镜(AFM)和高分辨率透射电子显微镜(HRTEM)对Si(100)和Si(111)衬底表面单个气团簇离子撞击坑的横截面成像。显示了来自氩气源和O_(2)气源的3和24 kV集群影响之间的比较。将低能量密度(10~(10)离子/cm~(2))24 kV Ar单个团簇对Si(100)和Si(111)衬底表面的影响与混合分子动力学(HMD)模拟进行了比较。HMD 方法用于模拟能量为 24-50 eV/原子的 Ar_(n) (n=135, 225) 团簇对 Si(100) 和 Si(111) 表面的影响。在Si(100)上,陨石坑的横截面几乎是三角形的,刻面沿着紧密堆积的(111)平面指向。Si(100)陨石坑表现出四重对称性,如横截面HRTEM和AFM俯视图所示,与建模一致。相比之下,Si(111)上的陨石坑形状在建模中显示出复杂的六角形状,而AFM则表示撞击的三重对称性。对于Ar和O_(2)气体团簇,低能量的3 kV单个团簇在HRTEM横截面上显示出相同的陨石坑形状,但陨石坑深度比高能撞击浅。Ar 和 O_(2) 陨石坑撞击的动力学可以解释为什么成功使用高能团簇冲击来蚀刻具有较高初始表面粗糙度的蚀刻材料,然后使用低能冲击作为获得更光滑表面的有效精加工步骤。




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