首页> 外文期刊>journal of chemical physics >Stark Effect and Hyperfine Splitting for Near‐Degenerate Levels of an Asymmetric Rotor. Application to NO2Cl and NOBr

Stark Effect and Hyperfine Splitting for Near‐Degenerate Levels of an Asymmetric Rotor. Application to NO2Cl and NOBr

机译:不对称转子的近简并能级的鲜明效应和超精细分裂。适用于 NO2Cl 和 NOBr



An approximate method is presented for calculating the Stark effect and hyperfine splitting of near‐degenerate rotational levels of an asymmetric‐top molecule. This method has been used to calculate the Stark effects for the 21→30transition of NO2Cl and the 11→20transition of NOBr. The results are compared with the measured spectra and are found to agree within experimental error. The dipole moments obtained are mgr; = 0.53 D for NO2Cl and mgr;a= 1.80 D for NOBr. The component mgr;bfor NOBr cannot be determined from the spectrum.
机译:提出了一种近似方法,用于计算不对称&连字符顶部分子的近&连字符;简并旋转能级的斯塔克效应和超精细分裂.该方法已用于计算NO2Cl的21→30跃迁和NOBr的11→20跃迁的斯塔克效应。将结果与测量光谱进行比较,发现结果在实验误差范围内一致。NO2Cl 获得的偶极矩为 &mgr; = 0.53 D,NOBr 的偶极矩为 &mgr;a= 1.80 D。NOBr 的分量 &mgr;b无法从光谱中确定。




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