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Fire Protection's Next Trend: Distance Learning


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Educators and fire-protection experts recently gathered at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), Worcester, Mass., to discuss the future of fire-protection engineering education. One subject of discussion centered on distance learning, in which off-campus students study on line, via cable television or by videocassette away from their respective school. The topic raised a few eyebrows from some participating academics who expressed fears of students, as a result of this alternative, opting not to physically attend a school or outright choosing another, meaning that professors could lose their jobs as a result of declining or shifting enrollment. These concerns, however, were deflected by others as opportunities. "There's really a chance for a lot of collaboration," said Dave Lucht, director of WPI's Center for Fire Safety Studies.
机译:教育工作者和消防专家最近聚集在马萨诸塞州伍斯特的伍斯特理工学院 (WPI),讨论消防工程教育的未来。讨论的一个主题集中在远程学习上,校外学生通过在线学习、有线电视或录像带学习,远离各自的学校。这个话题引起了一些参与的学者的注意,他们表达了对学生的恐惧,由于这种选择,选择不亲自上学或直接选择另一所学校,这意味着教授可能会因入学人数下降或转移而失去工作。然而,这些担忧被其他人视为机会而转移。“确实有很多合作的机会,”WPI消防安全研究中心主任Dave Lucht说。




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