首页> 外文期刊>journal of chemical physics >Kinetic theory of warm atoms: Nonhyphen;Maxwellian velocity distributions and resulting Dopplerhyphen;broadened emissionhyphen;line profiles

Kinetic theory of warm atoms: Nonhyphen;Maxwellian velocity distributions and resulting Dopplerhyphen;broadened emissionhyphen;line profiles

机译:Kinetic theory of warm atoms: Nonhyphen;Maxwellian velocity distributions and resulting Dopplerhyphen;broadened emissionhyphen;line profiles



The Boltzmann equation is formulated and solved for the following spatially homogeneous and steadyhyphen;state system: Production of energetic lsqb;O(1S)rsqb; atoms by dissociative recombination of O2+; removal of the lsqb;O(1S)rsqb; by emission; and thermalization by elastic and excitation exchange collisions with the abmient gas, asumed to be entirely O(3P). This system is an approximation to the physics of lsqb;O(1S)rsqb; in the nightime F2 region of the upper atmosphre, but the method can be applied to similar problems. The collision integrals are formulated in terms of scattering kernels. Emission line profiles are calculated from the velocity distriubtion for various values of the elastic and exchange collision frequencies. The accuracy of kinetic temperatures inferred from such line profiles is discussed.




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