首页> 外文期刊>IEICE Transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications & computer sciences >Accurate Systematic Hot-Spot Scoring Method and Score-Based Fixing Guidance Generation

Accurate Systematic Hot-Spot Scoring Method and Score-Based Fixing Guidance Generation

机译:Accurate Systematic Hot-Spot Scoring Method and Score-Based Fixing Guidance Generation

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The researches on predicting and removing of lithographic hot-spots have been prevalent in recent semiconductor industries, and known to be one of the most difficult challenges to achieve high quality detection coverage. To provide physical design implementation with designer's favors on fixing hot-spots, in this paper, we present a noble and accurate hot-spot detection method, so-called "leveling and scoring" algorithm based on weighted combination of image quality parameters (i.e., normalized image log-slope (NILS), mask error enhancement factor (MEEF), and depth of focus (DOF)) from lithography simulation. In our algorithm, firstly, hot-spot scoring function considering severity level is calibrated with process window qualification, and then least-square regression method is used to calibrate weighting coefficients for each image quality parameter. In this way, after we obtain the scoring function with wafer results, our method can be applied to future designs of using the same process. Using this calibrated scoring function, we can successfully generate fixing guidance and rule to detect hot-spot area by locating edge bias value which leads to a hot-spot-free score level. Finally, we integrate the hot-spot fixing guidance information into layout editor to facilitate the user-favorable design environment. Applying our method to memory devices of 60 nm node and below, we could successfully attain sufficient process window margin to yield high mass production.




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