首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1 >Scensidin, a new depsidone from the lichenBuellia canescens(Dicks.) De Not

Scensidin, a new depsidone from the lichenBuellia canescens(Dicks.) De Not

机译:Scensidin,一种来自地衣的新depsidoneBuellia canescens(Dicks.)德诺



J. CHEM. SOC. PERKIN TRANS. I 1983 Scensidin, a New Depsidone from the Lichen Bue//ia canescens (Dicks.)De Not M. Mohan Mahandru and Alireza Tajbakhsh Department of Chemistry, University of She ffield, Sheffield S3 7HF The biogenetically favoured constitution (4) for scensidin isolated from Buellia canescens has been established by total synthesis. Intramolecular oxidative coupling of the tetra hydroxybenzophenone (22) yields the grisadienedione (23) which, by thermal isomerisation (23) -(25) followed by methylation, yields scensidin (4). Alternatively, methylation of the grisadienedione (23) followed by thermal isomeris- ation also yields scensidin. The transformation of the grisadienedione (26) into the dibenzofuran (28) occurs both thermally and photochemically.The first phytochemical examination of the lichen Buelliu canescens was carried out by Zopf,’ who isolated diploicin (1) and atranorin (11). Nolan and his co-workers re-examined the same species grown in Ireland and confirmed the presence of these two compounds. In addition to these compounds mannitol, the depside chloroatranorin (12), and a trichloro- analogue (C16HllC1305, structure unknown) of diploicin (1) were also reported. Devlin and Smith also examined the same lichen collec- ted in south Devonshire. In addition to the compounds previously characterised, three further depsidones, dechloro- diploicin (2), dechlorodiploicin 0-methyl ether (3), and scensidin were i~olated.~ In a recent investigation of the same species from Australia, the three depsidones (1)-(3) and two new phthalides, buellolide and canesolide, have been rep~rted.~ Of the four depsidones isolated from BueZliu canexens the structure of diploicin as (1) has been unambiguously estab- lished by two different ~yntheses.’.~ The structures of the depsidones (2) and (3) have been determined by degradative studies3q4 as well as by total ~ynthesis.~?~ We now report a total synthesis of scensidin which establishes its structure as (4).Results and Discussion Scensidin.-The initial indication that scensidin possessed a depsidone skeleton was revealed by its i.r. spectrum v,,,. (CHC13) 1 740 cm-l, lactone GO.An accurate mass spectrum established the molecular formula as C17H14C1205.The ‘H n.m.r. spectrum showed singlets at 6 (CDC13) 6.67 and 6.63 (each 1 H), 3.91 and 3.81 (each 3 H), and 2.49 (6 H). As scensidin occurs together with the depsidones (l), (2), and (3) in B. canescens, it was biogenetically reasonable to believe that scensidin would be a depsidone of this type rather than of the type to which variolaric acid belong^.^^'^ Six biogenetically reasonable structures, (4)-(9), were considered as plausible for scensidin. The mass spectrum of scensidin showed fragment ions as m/z 198 (13) and m/z 199 (14) which indicated that the com- pound possesses onechloro-substituent oneach of the aromatic rings, i.e. apparently eliminating structures (5) and (6). This preliminary conclusion was further supported by a comparison of the ‘H n.m.r.spectral data of scensidin with those of authen-tic samples of the depsidones (5) and (6).12 Compounds (5) and (6) both showed a signal due to one pair of metu-coupled aromatic protons. In contrast, scensidin showed two singlets (6 6.67 and 6.63) each corresponding to one aromatic proton. These results conclusively excluded structures (5) and (6) for scensidin. All known naturally occurring dichloro-depsidones with one chlorine atom associated with each aromatic ring have these atoms located at positions 2 and 7.9J0913 Structure (4) for scensidin was therefore favoured in biogenetic grounds and this compound was selected as a target for total synthesis. Synthesis of Scensidk-Condensation of 2,4-di-O-benzyl- 5-chloro-orsellinic acid 7 (1 8) and 3,5-dibenzyloxy-2-chloro-toluene (20) in boiling trifluoroacetic anhydride (TFAA) for two days gave the benzophenone (21) (56 yield), hydro- genolysis of which gave the symmetrical tetrahydroxybenzo- phenone (22).Treatment of this compound with potassium hexacyanoferrate(II1) in aqueous potassium carbonate at room temperature for 5 min gave the crystalline grisa-3’,5’- diene-2’,3-dione (23) (54 yield). After collection of the crystalline oxidation product (23), the mother-liquors, on treatment with diazomethane, gave a mixture from which the conjugated grisa-3’,5’-diene-2’,3’-dione(26) and the cross-conjugated grisa-2’,5’-diene-3,4’-dione(27) were isolated. It has been observed that grisa-3’,5’-diene-2’,3-diones,when heated to just above their m.p.s, are smoothly isomerised into the corresponding dep~idones.~*~ When the grisa-3’,5’-diene- 2’,3-dione (23) was heated at 175 “C it gave the depsidone (25) (23 yield).Methylation of the depsidone (25) with diazo- methane gave scensidin (4), identical with the natural product. The grisa-3’,5’-diene-2’,3-dione(23) could, in principle, exist in equilibrium with its cross-conjugated tautomer (24). However, the crystalline compound (23J.and diazomethane gave only one dimethyl ether (26) (88 yield). When the grisa-3’,5’-diene-2’,3-dione(26) was heated at 220-230 “C, it gave not only the depsidone scensidin (4) (32 yield), but also the dibenzufuran (28) (24 yield). Dibenzofurans have been shown to be formed by the photolysis 7p14 of grisa-3’,5’~diene- 2’,3-diones, but no case has yet been reported where this transformation has been achieved thermally.The dibenzofuran (28) was the sole product (41 yield) when compound (26) was irradiated in benzene solution at room temperature using a 450-W medium-pressure mercury lamp. The formation of the dibenzofuran (28) and the depsidone (4) by the action of heat on compound (26) may well involve either concerted sigmatropic rearrangements or reactions involving biradical intermediate~.’*~J~ The grisa-3’,5’-diene-2’,3-dione(23), when kept in aqueous methanol for three days, yielded the 4’-methoxygrisa-3’,5’- diene-2’,3-dione (30) and some starting material. This reaction presumably involved the hemiacetal (29) as an intermediate. The total product a mixture of compounds (23) and (30) was * Present address: Department of Chemistry, University of Hull, Hull HU6 7RX.f Orsellinic acid is 2,4-dihydroxy-6-methylbenzoicacia. J. CHEM. SOC. PERKIN TRANS. I 1983 CHO Me (Diploicin) (11) R = H ( Atranorin) (2) R' = R2 =H, R3 = RL =R5 =Cl Dechlorodi ploici n1 (12) R = Cl (Chloroatranorin) =R5=Cl Dechlorodiploicin U-methyl ether 1(3) R'=McJR2=HJR3=RL (4)R'=Me, R2=R5=H,R3 =R4=Cl Scens id in 1 (5) R'= Me, R2 =R3 =CI R4 =R5=H (6) R'=MeJ R2=R3=H,Rd =R5=Cl (71 R1=MeJR2=R5=ClJR3 =R4=H (8 1 R' = Me, R2 = RL = CI R3 = R5= H (9) R'=Me, R2=RL=H,R3=R5=CI (10) R' = H R2 = R5 = H R3 = R' = Cl 1*+ heated at 150-158 "C to give the depsidone (25) and (10) without any detectable formation of the corresponding di benzofurans. Experimenta1 M.p.s were determined using a Kofler hot-stage apparatus and are uncorrected.1.r. spectra were recorded using a Perkin- Elmer 157G spectrophotometer. U.V.spectra were measured using a Cary-14 spectrometer. 'H N.m.r. spectra were obtained using a Varian HA. 100 spectrometer and tetramethylsilane as internal standard. For column chromatography and t.l.c., Merck silica gel (Kieselgel G) was used. Light petroleum refers to the fraction of boiling in the range 60-80 "C. Extraction of the Total Lichen Buellia canescens (Dicks.)De Not (with J. P. Devlin and C. Smith 3).-The lichen material which was originally examined was donated to Professor W.D. Ollis from the collection of the late Professor T. J. Nolan, University College, Dublin.2 Similar results were obtained with lichen material subsequently collected from south Devonshire. The powdered lichen material (400 g) was extracted with (i) cold diethyl ether (2 1; 2 h), (ii) cold diethyl ether (2 I; 2 d), (iii) boiling diethyl ether (2 1; 2 d), and (iv) boiling dichloro- methane (2 1; 2 d) to give, after work-up of the respective fractions, four residues (i) (18.90 g), (ii) (3.1 g), (iii) (1.10 g), and (iv) (3.35 8).Fractionation of these residues by a combin- ation of trituration, column chromatography, preparative t.l.c., and crystallisation eventually yielded diploicin (1) (4.88 g), m.p.231-232 "C (lit.: 232 "C; lit.,4 231-232 "C); dechlorodiploicin (2) (62 mg), m.p. 263-265 "C (lit.,2 263-265 "C; lit.,4 272.5-274 "C); dechlorodiploicin 0-methyl ether (3) (28 mg), m.p. 226-228 "C (lit.: 230-231.5 "C); atranorin (1 1) (120 mg), m.p. 185-197 "C(lit.? 196-197 "C); and chloroatranorin (12) (87 mg), m.p. 208-210 "C (lit.,9 208-208.5 "C).These compounds were fully charac- terised by their mass-, n.m.r.-, u.v.-, and i.r.-spectra, and a comparison with published spectral data established their identity. The identities of dechlorodiploicin (2) and dechloro- diploicin 0-methyl ether (3) were established by synthesi~.~~~ This extraction procedure also yielded a new natural dep-sidone which we have named scensidin (4) (31 mg) as needles, m.p.199-201 "C (from methanol) (Found: M'+,368.8990 CI7Hl4CIZO5requires M, 369.202); vmx. (CHC13) 1 740 cm-'; 6 (CDCI,) 6.67 (1 H, s, ArH), 6.63 (1 H, s, ArH), 3.91 (3 H, s, OMe), 3.81 (3 H,s, OMe),and 2.49 (6 H, s, 2 x Me). Ethyl 5-Chloro-orsellinate (16).-A solution of ethyl orsellinate (15) (10 g, 0.051 mol) in dry diethyl ether (150 ml) was treated dropwise at room temperature with a solution of sulphuryl chloride (4.0 ml, 0.050 mol) in dry diethyl ether (4.0 ml). After the addition, the solution was stirred at room tem- perature for 1 h and was then gently boiled for 45 min. The cooled ethereal solution was then treated dropwise with water and the mixture was shaken. The organic phase, was separated and was washed with water, dried (MgS04), and evaporated to dryness.The solid residue (11.4 g) was fractionated on a silica-gel column with benzene as eluant. Crystallisation of the eluate from aqueous ethanol gave ethyl 5-chloro-orsellinate (16) (7.4 g, 63), m.p. 135-136 "C (lit.,1s 128 "C); vmx. (CHCI,) 3 500 and 1 665 cm-l; 6 (CDCI,) 6.44 (1 H, s, ArH), 4.41 (2 H, q, J7 Hz, CH,Me), 2.58 (3 H, s, ArMe), and 1.38 (3 H, t, J 7 Hz, CH2Me). Ethyl 2,4-Di-0-benzyl-5-chloro-orsellinate (17).-To a solution of compound (1 6) (3 g, 0.01 3 mol) in acetone (1 20 ml) were added, in turn, fused potassium carbonate (3.5 g) and benzyl bromide (2.5 ml, 0.021 mol). The mixture was stirred and heated under reflux for 18 h and was then filtered. After evaporation of the acetone from the filtrate, the excess of benzyl bromide was removed by column chromatography using light petroleum as eluant.The column was then eluted with acetone to elute the desired product. After evaporation of the acetone eluates, the product was crystallised from ethanol to give ethyl 2,4-di-O-benzyl-5-chloro-orsellinate(17) as crystals (4.85 g, 91), m.p. 79-80 "C (Found: C, 70.2; H, 5.9; C1, 8.7; M'+, 410. C24HZ3C1O4requires C, 70.2; H, 5.6; C1, 8.7; M, 410); vmax.(CHCI,) 1 723 cm-'; 6 (CDC1,) 7.23 and 7.29 (total 10 H, 2 x s, 2 x Ph), 6.40 (1 H, s, ArH), 5.06 and 4.97 (total 4 H, 2 x s, 2 x ArCH2),4.31 (2 H, q, J 7 Hz, CH2Me), 2.31 (3 H, s, ArMe), and 1.27 (3 H, t, J 7 Hz, CH2Me). 2,4-Di-O-benzyl-5-chloro-orsellinic Acid (1 8).--To a solution of the ester (17) (5.35 g, 0.013 mol) in ethanol (230 ml) was J.CHEM. SOC. PERKIN TRANS. I 1983 415 R'O OR'uo c@+j;R Ro' 'OR RO 123) (261 (27) (28) (29 1 1 (301 added l0waqueous sodium hydroxide (100ml). The mixture was then heated under reflux for 18h. Ethanol was evaporated off from the cooled solution and the residue was diluted with water and acidified with dilute hydrochloric acid. The solid product was filtered off, washed with water, and crystallised 4-chloro-orcinol(l9) as crystals (1.9g,81), m.p. 141-142 "C (lit.,I7 138-140 "C); vmx. (CHC13) 3 520 and 3 280 cm-'; 6 (CD,),CO 8.23br (2 H, s, 2 x OH), 6.37(HA) and 6.31 (HB)(together AB system,JAB3 Hz, 2 x meta-ArH), and 2.23 (3 H, s, Me).4,4',6,6'-Tetrabenzyloxy-3,3'-dichloro-2,2'-dimethylbenzo-phenone (21).-A stirred suspension of the acid (18)(1.15 g, 0.003 mol) and 3,5-dibenzyloxy-2-chlorotoluene (20) (1.2 g,0.004mol) in TFAA (70ml) was heated under reflux for 2 d. From the cooled suspension, a gummy material was separated and was washed with water and crystallised from methanol to give the title compound (21) as crystals (1.29g, 56), m.p.169-170 "C (Found: C,73.3;H,5.3;C1, 10.4;M'+,702. C4,Hj6C1205 requires C, 73.4;H, 5.1;C1, 10.1;M, 702); vmx. (CHC13) 1 660cm-'; 6 (CDCl,) 7.37(10 H, s, 2 x Ph),7.10(10H, m, 2 x Ph), 6.32 (2 H, s, 2 x ArH), 5.08and 4.60 (total 8H, 2 x s, 4x ArCH2), and 2.10(6H, s, 2 x Me). 3,3'-Dichloro-4,4',6,6'-tetrahydroxy-2,2'-dimethylbenzo-phenone (22).-A stirred solution of the benzophenone (21)(0.85g) in ethyl acetate (80ml) was hydrogenolysed at room temperature and atmospheric pressure for 18h with palladium- charcoal (0.29g, 10).The solution was filtered, the filtrate was evaporated, and the residue was crystallised from diethyl ether-n-hexane to afford the title compound (22)as yellow crystals (0.36 g, 8879,m.p. 200-201 "C (Found: M'+, 342.0069. ClSHl2Cl2O4requires M, 342.0076);vmx. (KBr) 1 610cm-'; 6 (CD,),CO 6.57 (2 H, s, 2 x ArH) and 2.18 (6H, s, 2 x Me). 53'-Dichloro-4',6-dihydroxy-4,6'-dimethylspirobenzo-furan-2(3H),l'-cyclohexa-3',5'-diene-2',3-dione (23).-To a stirred solution of the tetrahydroxybenzophenone (22) (0.17g, 0.496mmol) and potassium carbonate (1.7g) in water (20ml) was added in one go a solution of potassium hexacyanoferrate- (111) (0.28g, 0.851mmol) in water (20ml).After being kept for 5 min at room temperature, the solution was cooled and acidified with dilute hydrochloric acid. The semi-solid precipi- tate was collected by filtration, washed with water, and dried. Crystallisation from diethyl ether and then from a mixture of ethyl acetate-diethyl ether gave crystals of 5,5'-dichloro-4',6-dihydroxy-4,6'-dimethylspirobenzofuran-2( 3H), 1'-cyclohexa-3',5'-diene-2',3-dione (23) (70mg, 54), m.p. 193-194 "C (Found: M'+, 339.9905.C15H1,-,C1205 requires M, 339.9905);kmxe(EtOH) 233(8 24600), 280 (20 OOO), and 322nm (1 1 OOO); vmx. (KBr) 3 400,1 710,and 1 687 cm-'; 6 (CD3)2CO6.77 (1H, s, ArH), 5.72(1 H, s, vinylic H), 2.56 (3 H, s, ArMe), and 1.85(3 H, s, 6'-Me).3,5 -Dichloro-6,6'-dimethoxy-2',4-dimethylspirobenzofuran-from aqueous methanol to give 2,4-di-O-benzyl-5-chloro-orsellinic acid (18)as crystals (4.3g, 86), m.p. 160-161 "C 2(3H), 1 -cyclohexa-2',5'-diene-3,4'-dione (27) and 5,5'-(lit.,'6163-l64oC)(Found:C,69.3;H,4.9;C1,9.1;M'+,382.Dichloro-4',6-dimethoxy-4,6'-dimethylspirobenzofuran-Calc. for CZ2H104: C, 69.0;H, 5.0; Cl, 9.3; M, 382); 2(3H),1'-cyclohexa-3', 5'-diene-2',3-dione (26) .-The mot her- vmx. (KBr) 1 690cm-'; 6 (CD3),C0 7.38(10H, m, 2 x Ph),6.86 (1 H, s, ArH), 5.20 and 5.13 (total 4 H, 2 x s, 2 x ArCH2), and 2.33 (3H, s, Me). 4-Chloro-oricinol*(19).-The ester (16)(3.4g,0.148 mol) was boiled under reflux with 5 aqueous potassium hydroxide (250ml) for 1 h.The cooled solution was acidified and shaken with diethyl ether (2x 100ml). The combined extracts were washed in turn with aqueous sodium hydrogen carbonate and water and were dried (MgS04) and evaporated to dryness. The residue was crystallised from diethyl ether-q-hexane to give * 4-Chloro-5-methylresorcinol. liquor from the crystallisation of compound (23)(see above) was evaporated to dryness and the residue was dissolved in acetone. Treatment of this solution with an excess of an ethereal solution of diazomethane at room temperature for 5 min and work-up in the usual way gave an oil which was fractionated by preparative t.1.c. on silica gel with chloroform as developer.The product with the lower RF value was crystallised from ethanol to give 3',5-dichloro-6,6'-dimethoxy-2',4-dimethylspirobenzofuran-2(3H),1'-cyclohexa-2',5'-diene-3,4'-dione (27) (24 mg, 1273,m.p. 232-233 "C (Found: C, 55.1; H, 4.0;CI, 19.3; M'+,368.Cl7Hl4Cl2O5requires C, 55.3;H, 3.8;Cl, 19.2; M, 368);kmx.(CHC13) 278 (E 17 700) and 334 nm (11 700);vmx. (CHClJ 1 750,1 660,and 1 627 cm-'; 6 (CDC13) 6.68(1 H, s, ArH), 5.49 (1 H, s, vinylic H), 416 J. CHEM. SOC. PERKIN TRANS. I 1983 4.00 and 3.85 (total 6 H, 2 x s, 2 x OMe), 2.55 (3 H,s, ArMe), and 1.97 (3 H, s, 2'-Me). The product with the higher RFvalue was crystallised from acetone to give 5,5'-dichloro-4',6-dimethoxy-4,6'-dimethyl-spirobenzofuran-2(3H),1'-cyclohexa-3', 5'-diene-2',3-dione (26) as crystals (8mg, 479,m.p.268-269 "C, with partial melting and change of crystal shape between 225-240 "C (Found: C, 55.1; H, 3.9; C1, 19.3; M'+, 368. C17H14C1202requires C, 55.3;H, 3.8; C1, 19.2; M, 368); h,,,. (CHCIj) 278 (E 31 300) and 332 nm (69500); vmnx.(CHCl,) 1 720 and 1 655 cm-'; 6 (CDC13)6.61 (1 H, s, ArH), 5.77 (1 H, s, vinylic H),4.01 (3 H, s, ArOMe), 3.64 (3 H, s, 4'-OMe), 2.61 (3 H, s, ArMe), and 1.85 (3 H, s, 6'-Me). Methylation of the grisa-3',5'-diene-2',3-dione (23) with diazomethane in a similar way gave the grisa-3',5'-diene-2',3- dione (26)(yield 88). 2,7- Dichloro-3,8-dihydroxy- 1,6-dimethyl- 1 1 H-dibenzob,e-1,4dioxepin-ll-one(25).-The grisadienedione (23) (0.1 g) was heated in a preheated aluminium block at 175 "C for 0.5h.The crude product was fractionated on silica-gel plates with chloroform-methanol (9: 1) as eluant. The faster moving band was removed and the product was crystallised from diethyl ether-light petroleum to give 2,7-dichloro-3,8-di-hydroxy- 1,6-dimethyl-l1 H-dibenzob,e -one1,4dioxepin-l1(25)as crystals which were further purified by sublimation at 220 "Cand 0.02 mmHg (23 mg, 23), m.p. 239-242 "C, (Found : M'+, 339.9902. C15H10C1205requires M, 339.9905); vmx. (KBr) 1 712cm-'; 6 (CD,),CO 9.41br (1 H, s, OH), 6.89 and 6.77 (total 2 H, 2 x s, 2 x ArH), 2.98br (1 H, s, OH), and 2.48 (6 H,s, 2 x Me). Scensidin (4).-A solution of the depsidone (25)(20 mg) in acetone was treated with an excess of an ethereal solution of diazomethane.After being kept 20 min at room temperature the reaction mixture was worked up in the usual way and the product was crystallised from chloroform-light petroleum to give scensidin (4)as crystals (20mg, 92), m.p. 199-201 "C, identical with the natural product isolated from the lichen Buellia canescens. Thermolysis of the Grisadienedione (26). Isolation of Scen- sidin (4) and 2,7- Dichbro-3,8-dimethoxy- 1,6-dimethyIdibenzo-furan (28).-The grisa-3',5'-diene-2',3-dione (26) (0.1 g) was heated at 220-230 "C for 2 h in a preheated aluminium block. The dark liquid product was distilled at 0.1 mmHg and the semi-solid product was purified (t.1.c.) on silica-gel plates with benzene-light petroleum (7: 3)as developer.The slower moving band was removed and the product was crystallised from chloroform-light petroleum to afford scensidin (4) (32 mg, 32), m.p. 199-201 "C. The material in the faster moving band, after extraction and crystallisation from ethyl acetate-n-hexane, gave 2,7-di-chloro-3,8-dimethoxy-1,6-dimethyldibenzofuvan (28) (2 1 mg,24), m.p. 203-204 "C (Found: M'+,325.0318. C1,HI4Cl2O5 requires M,325.0320); vnlax.(CHC13) 1 628 and 1 590 cm-'; 6 (CDCI,) 7.25 and 6.96 (total 2 H,2 x s,2 x ArH), 3.97 (6 H,s,2x OMe),and2.77and2.57(total6H,2xs,2x Me). Pho tolysis of the Grisa- 3 ',5'-diene-2', 3-dione (26) .-A solution of compound (26)(50 mg) in dry benzene (10 ml) was irradiated in a quartz tube at room temperature using a Hanovia medium-pressure mercury lamp (450 W) for 20 h.T.1.c. examination of the product on silica gel with benzene- light petroleum (7:3) as developer showed the presence of the starting grisadienedione (26), the dibenzofuran (28),and some polymeric material. The mixture was fractionated as described above and yielded the dibenzofuran (28) (18 mg,41), m.p. 203-204 "C. 2,7-Dichloro-3-hydroxy-8-methoxy-1,6-dirnethyl-11H-di-benzob,el,4dioxepin-ll-one(lo).-A solution of the grisa- dienedione (23) (0.12 g) in methanol (4ml) containing water (8drops) was kept at 5 "C for 3 d, after which the crystalline solid which had formed was collected by filtration. Examin- ation of the 'H n.m.r.spectrum of the dried product showed it to be a mixture of the starting grisadienedione (23)and 53'-dichloro-6-hydroxy-4'-rnethoxy-4,6'-dimethylspirobenzo furan- 2(3H),l'-cyclohexa-3',5'-diene-2',3-dione (30);6 compound (30)(CD3)2CO6.83 (1 H,s, ArH), 5.77 (1 H,s, vinylic H), 3.33 (3 H, s, 4'-OMe), 2.58 (3 H,s, ArMe), and 1.87 (3 H,s. 6'-Me). This mixture (50mg) of the grisadienediones (23)and (30) was heated at 150-158 "C for 30 min and the crude product was fractionated by thick-layer chromatography with chloro- form-ethyl acetate (95 : 5) as developer. The faster moving band gave 2,7-dichloro-3,8-dihydroxy-l,6-dimethyl-1 1H-di-benzob,e 1,4dioxepin-ll-one (25) (1 8 mg). The slower moving band gave 2,7-dichloro-3-hydroxy-8-methoxy-l,6-dimethyl-11H-dibenzob,el,4dioxepin-ll-one(10)as an oil (8 mg) which failed to crystallise (Found: Me+, 354.0060.C16H12C1205requires M, 354.0062);v,,~,,.(CHC13)1 710cm-'; 6 (CD,),CO 6.56 and 6.10(total 2 H,2 x s, 2 x ArH), 3.90. (3 H, s, OMe), and 2.32 and 2.14 (total 6 H, 2 x s, 2 x Me). Acknowledgements We thank Dr. D. H.S. Richardson, Department of Botany, University of Exeter, for his advice regarding the location, collection, and identification of the lichen Buellia canescens (Dicks.) De Not. References 1 W. Zopf, Liebigs Ann., Chem. 1904, 336,46. 2 T. J. Nolan, Sci. Proc. R. Dublin SOC.,1936, 21, 67; P. A. Spillane, J. Keane, and T. J. Nolan, ibid., p. 333. 3 J. P. Devlin, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Sheffield, 1968; C.Smith, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Sheffield, 1969. 4 T. Sala, M. V. Sargent, and J. A. Elix, J. Chem. SOC.,Chem. Commun., 1978, 1041 ;J. Chem. SOC.,Perkin Trans. 1, 1981, 849. 5 C, J. Brown, D. E. Clark, W. D. Ollis, and P. L. Veal, Proc. Chem. Soc., London, 1960, 393. 6 P. Djura, M. V. Sargent, and P. Vogel, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1, 1976, 147. 7 J. Haddock, M. M. Mahandru, W. D. Ollis, M.Rey, R. Sharpe, and C. Smith, unpublished results. 8 T. Sala and M. V. Sargent,J. Chem. SOC.,Chem. Commun., 1978, 1043; J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans.1, 1981, 855. 9 Y. Asahina and S. Shibata, ' Chemistry of Lichen Substances,' Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Tokyo, 1954. 10 C. F. Culverson, ' Chemical and Botanical Guide to Lichen Products,' University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, 1969. 11 M. M. Mahandru and W. D. Oh, unpublished results. 12 R. Sharpe, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Sheffield, 1972. 13 M. M. Mahandru and O.,L. Gilbert, Bryologist, 1979, 82, 302. 14T. Sala and M. V. Sargent, J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 1978, 1044; J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1, 1981, 870. 15 F. Fujikawa, Y.Hitosa, and M. Inoue, Yakugaku Zasshi, 1954, 74, 1122 (Chem. Abstr., 1955, 49, 11596). 16 E. G. Sundholm, Tetrahedron, 1978,34, 577. 17 S. Neelakantan, R. Padmasani, and T. R. Seshadri, Indian J. Chem., 1964, 2,478. Received 1st July 1982; Paper 2/ 1099
机译:J. CHEM. SOC. PERKIN 译.I 1983 Scensidin, a New Depsidone from the Lichen Bue//ia canescens (Dicks.)De Not M. Mohan Mahandru 和 Alireza Tajbakhsh 谢菲尔德大学化学系,谢菲尔德 S3 7HF 通过全合成建立了从 Buellia canescens 中分离的 scensidin 的生物遗传学优势 (4)。四羟基二苯甲酮 (22) 的分子内氧化偶联产生 grisadienedione (23),通过热异构化 (23) -(25) 然后甲基化,产生 scensidin (4)。或者,将 grisadienedione (23) 甲基化,然后进行热异构化,也会产生 scensidin。grisadienedione (26) 转化为二苯并呋喃 (28) 在热和光化学上发生。Zopf 对苔藓 Buelliu canescens 进行了第一次植物化学检查,他分离了二倍体素 (1) 和阿特兰诺林 (11)。诺兰和他的同事们重新检查了在爱尔兰种植的相同物种,并证实了这两种化合物的存在。除了这些化合物甘露醇外,还报道了二倍体素(1)的三氯类似物(C16HllC1305,结构未知)。德夫林和史密斯还研究了在德文郡南部发现的相同地衣。除了先前表征的化合物外,还对另外三种苯西酮进行了 i~olated,即脱氯二倍星、脱氯二倍星 0-甲醚 (3)、七聚糖。~ 在最近对来自澳大利亚的同一物种的调查中,三种苯酞酮 (1)-(3) 和两种新的邻苯二甲酸酯 buellolide 和 canesolide 已被 rep~rted.~ 在从 BueZliu canexens 中分离出的四种 depsidone 中,二倍体素的结构 (1) 已被两种不同的 ~yntheses 明确地确立。~ depsidones (2) 和 (3) 的结构已通过降解研究 3q4 以及总 ~ynthesis.~?~ 我们现在报告了 scensidin 的全合成,将其结构确定为 (4)。结果与讨论 Scensidin.-scensidin 具有 depsidone 骨架的最初迹象是由其 i.r. 光谱 [v,,,. 揭示的(CHC13) 1 740 cm-l, 内酯GO]。准确的质谱确定了分子式为C17H14C1205。'H n.m.r. 谱显示单线位于 6 (CDC13)、6.67 和 6.63(各 1 H)、3.91 和 3.81(各 3 H)和 2.49 (6 H)。由于 scensidin 与 depsidones (l)、(2) 和 (3) 一起出现在 B. canescens 中,因此在生物遗传学上合理地相信 scensidin 将是这种类型的 depsidone,而不是天花酸所属的类型^.^^'^ 六种生物遗传学上合理的结构,(4)-(9),被认为是 scensidin 的合理结构。scensidin的质谱图显示碎片离子为m/z 198(13)和m/z 199(14),这表明该化合物在芳香环上各具有一氯取代基,即明显消除结构(5)和(6)。通过比较 scensidin 的 'H n.m.r.光谱数据与 depsidones (5) 和 (6) 的 authen-tic 样品的光谱数据,进一步支持了这一初步结论.12 化合物 (5) 和 (6) 都显示出由于一对 metu 偶联芳香族质子而产生的信号.相比之下,scensidin显示出两个单线态(6,6.67和6.63),每个单线对应一个芳香质子。这些结果最终排除了 scensidin 的结构 (5) 和 (6)。所有已知的天然存在的二氯-德西酮,每个芳香环都有一个氯原子,这些原子位于位置 2 和 7.9J0913 因此,scensidin 的结构 (4) 在生物遗传学方面受到青睐,并且该化合物被选为全合成的靶标。2,4-二-O-苄基-5-氯-奥塞利尼克酸7(1,8)和3,5-二苄氧基-2-氯甲苯(20)在沸腾三氟乙酸酐(TFAA)中煮沸两天合成,得到二苯甲酮(21)(产率56%),其氢化反应得到对称的四羟基二苯甲酮(22)。用六氰基铁酸钾(II1)在室温下在碳酸钾水溶液中处理该化合物5分钟,得到结晶grisa-3',5'-二烯-2',3-二酮(23)(产率54%)。收集结晶氧化产物(23)后,母液经重氮甲烷处理,得到混合物,从中分离出共轭的grisa-3',5'-diene-2',3'-dione(26)和交叉共轭的grisa-2',5'-diene-3,4'-dione(27)。据观察,当 grisa-3',5'-二烯-2',3-二酮被加热到略高于其 m.p.s 时,被平滑地异构化成相应的 dep~idones.~*~ 当 grisa-3',5'-二烯-2',3-二酮 (23) 在 175“C 下加热时,它得到 depsidone (25) (23% 产率).将 depsidone (25) 与重氮甲烷甲基化得到 scensidin (4),与天然产物相同。grisa-3',5'-二烯-2',3-二酮(23)原则上可以与其交叉共轭的互变异构体(24)平衡存在。然而,结晶化合物(23J.和重氮甲烷仅得到一种二甲醚(26)(产率88%)。当grisa-3',5'-diene-2',3-dione(26)在220-230“C下加热时,它不仅得到了depsidonescensidin(4)(32%的产率),而且还得到了二苯并呋喃(28)(24%的产率)。二苯并呋喃已被证明是由 grisa-3',5'~二烯-2',3-二酮的光解 7p14 形成的,但尚未报道这种转化在热作用下实现的案例。当化合物(26)在室温下使用450-W中压汞灯在苯溶液中辐照时,二苯并呋喃(28)是唯一的产物(产率41%)。二苯并呋喃(28)和德普西酮(4)在化合物(26)上的热作用下形成,很可能涉及协同的Σ型重排或涉及双自由基中间体的反应~。*~J~ 格里沙-3',5'-二烯-2',3-二酮(23)在甲醇水溶液中保存三天,得到4'-甲氧基格里沙-3',5'-二烯-2',3-二酮(30)和一些起始原料。该反应可能涉及半缩醛(29)作为中间体。总产物[化合物(23)和(30)的混合物]为*现地址:赫尔大学化学系,赫尔HU6 7RX.fOrsellinic酸是2,4-二羟基-6-甲基苯并虱酸。J. CHEM. SOC. PERKIN 译.I 1983 CHO Me (Diploicin) (11) R = H ( Atranorin) (2) R' = R2 =H, R3 = RL =R5 =Cl 脱氯二氯 ploici n1 (12) R = Cl (氯阿曲诺林) =R5=Cl 脱氯二倍星 U-甲醚 1(3) R'=McJR2=HJR3=RL (4)R'=Me, R2=R5=H,R3 =R4=Cl 场景 id 在 1 (5) R'= Me, R2 =R3 =CI R4 =R5=H (6) R'=MeJ R2=R3=H,Rd =R5=Cl (71 R1=MeJR2=R5=ClJR3 =R4=H (8 1 R' = Me, R2 = RL = CI R3 = R5= H (9) R'=Me, R2=RL=H,R3=R5=CI (10) R' = H R2 = R5 = H R3 = R' = Cl 1*+ 在 150-158“C 加热得到 depsidone (25) 和 (10) 而没有任何可检测到的相应二苯并呋喃的形成。Experimenta1 M.p.s是使用Kofler热台设备测定的,未经校正。使用Perkin-Elmer 157G分光光度计记录光谱。使用Cary-14光谱仪测量UV光谱。'H N.M.R.使用瓦里安 HA 获得光谱。100光谱仪和四甲基硅烷作为内标。对于柱层析和t.l.c.,使用默克硅胶(Kieselgel G)。轻质石油是指沸点在 60-80 英寸范围内的分数 C. 提取总地衣 Buellia canescens (Dicks.)De Not (with J. P. Devlin and C. Smith 3).-最初检查的地衣材料是从已故都柏林大学学院的T.J.Nolan教授的收藏中捐赠给W.D.Ollis教授的.2随后从南德文郡收集的地衣材料也获得了类似的结果。将粉状地衣材料(400 g)用(i)冷乙醚(2 1;2 h)、(ii)冷乙醚(2 I;2 d)、(iii)煮沸乙醚(2 1;2 d)和(iv)煮沸二氯甲烷(2 1;2 d)提取,在处理各馏分后,得到四个残基(i)(18.90 g)、(ii)(3.1 g)、 (三) (1.10克)和(四) (3.35 8)。通过研磨、柱层析、制备 t.l.c. 和结晶相结合对这些残基进行分馏,最终得到二倍星 (1) (4.88 g),m.p.231-232 “C(lit.:232 ”C;lit.,4 231-232 “C);脱氯二倍星 (2) (62 mg), m.p. 263-265 “C (lit.,2 263-265 ”C;lit.,4 272.5-274 “C);脱氯二倍星0-甲醚(3)(28mg),熔点226-228“C(lit.:230-231.5”C);atranorin (1 1) (120 mg), m.p. 185-197 “C(lit.?196-197“C);和氯阿曲诺林(12)(87mg),熔点208-210“C(lit.,9 208-208.5”C)。这些化合物的质量、n.m.r.、u.v.和i.r.光谱完全表征,并与已发表的光谱数据进行比较,确定了它们的身份。通过合成建立了脱氯二倍体素(2)和脱氯二倍体素0-甲醚(3)的特性~.~~~ 该提取过程还产生了一种新的天然dep-sidone,我们将其命名为scensidin(4)(31mg)作为针,m.p.199-201“C(来自甲醇)(发现:M'+,368.8990 CI7Hl4CIZO5需要M,369.202);vmx. (CHC13) 1 740 cm-';6 (CDCI)、6.67 (1 H, s, ArH)、6.63 (1 H, s, ArH)、3.91 (3 H, s, OMe)、3.81 (3 H,s, OMe) 和 2.49 (6 H, s, 2 x Me)。将5-氯乙二醇酸乙酯(16).-乙醇酸乙酯(15)(10g,0.051mol)在干燥乙醚(150ml)中的溶液在室温下用硫酰氯(4.0ml,0.050mol)在干燥乙醚(4.0ml)中的溶液滴加处理。加入后,将溶液在室温下搅拌1小时,然后轻轻煮沸45分钟。然后用水滴加处理冷却的空灵溶液,并摇动混合物。分离有机相,用水洗涤,干燥(MgS04),蒸干至干。固体残留物(11.4 g)在硅胶柱上以苯为洗脱液进行分馏。从乙醇水溶液中结晶洗脱液得到5-氯乙二醇酸乙酯(16)(7.4g,63%),熔点135-136“C(lit.,1s 128”C);vmx. (CHCI,) 3 500 和 1 665 cm-l;6 (CDCI,) 6.44 (1 H, s, ArH), 4.41 (2 H, q, J7 Hz, CH,Me), 2.58 (3 H, s, ArMe) 和 1.38 (3 H, t, J 7 Hz, CH2Me)。将2,4-二-0-苄基-5-氯乙二醇酸乙酯(17)-化合物(1,6)(3g,0.01 3mol)的丙酮(1 20ml)溶液依次加入稠融碳酸钾(3.5g)和溴化苄(2.5ml,0.021 mol)。将混合物搅拌并在回流下加热18小时,然后过滤。丙酮从滤液中蒸发后,使用轻质石油作为洗脱剂,通过柱层析除去过量的溴化苄。然后用丙酮洗脱色谱柱以洗脱所需产物。丙酮洗脱物蒸发后,将产物从乙醇中结晶,得到2,4-二-O-苄基-5-氯乙二醇酸乙酯(17)作为晶体(4.85g,91%),熔点79-80“C(发现:C,70.2;H,5.9;C1,8.7;M'+,410。C24HZ3C1O4需要C,70.2;H,5.6;C1,8.7%;米,410);vmax。(CHCI,) 1 723 厘米-';6 (CDC1,) 7.23 和 7.29(总 10 H、2 x s、2 x Ph)、6.40 (1 H、s、ArH)、5.06 和 4.97(总 4 H、2 x s、2 x ArCH2)、4.31(2 H、q、J 7 Hz、CH2Me)、2.31(3 H、s、ArMe)和 1.27(3 H、t、J 7 Hz、CH2Me)。2,4-二-O-苄基-5-氯-奥西林酸(1,8).--酯(17)(5.35g,0.013mol)在乙醇(230ml)中的溶液是J.CHEM.SOC.PERKIN TRANS。I 1983 415 R'O OR'uo c@+j;R Ro' 'OR RO 123) (261 (27) (28) (29 1 1 (301加入l0水性氢氧化钠(100ml)。然后将混合物在回流下加热18h。从冷却溶液中蒸发乙醇,残余物用水稀释,用稀盐酸酸化。滤去固体产物,用水洗涤,结晶为4-氯-orcinol(l9),晶状物为晶体(1.9g,81%),熔点141-142“C(lit.,I7 138-140”C);(CHC13) 3 520 和 3 280 cm-';将酸(18)(1.15 g,0.003 mol)和3,5-二苄氧基-2-氯甲苯(20)(1.2 g,0.004mol)在TFAA(70ml)中搅拌悬浮2 d,将酸(18)(1.15 g,0.003 mol)和3,5-二苄氧基-2-氯甲苯(20)(1.2 g,0.004mol)搅拌悬浮从冷却的悬浮液中分离出胶质材料,用水洗涤并用甲醇结晶,得到标题化合物(21)为晶体(1.29g,56%),m.p.169-170“C(发现:C,73.3;H,5.3;C1,10.4%;M'+,702.C4,Hj6C1205要求C,73.4;H,5.1;C1,10.1%;米,702);vmx. (CHC13) 1 660cm-';6 (CDCl,) 7.37(10 H, s, 2 x Ph)、7.10(10H, m, 2 x Ph)、6.32 (2 H, s, 2 x ArH)、5.08 和 4.60(总计 8H, 2 x s, 4x ArCH2) 和 2.10(6H, s, 2 x Me)。3,3'-二氯-4,4',6,6'-四羟基-2,2'-二甲基二苯甲酮(22).-二苯甲酮(21)(0.85g)在乙酸乙酯(80ml)中的搅拌溶液在室温和常压下用钯木炭(0.29g,10%)加氢解18h.过滤溶液,蒸发滤液,将残留物从乙醚-正己烷中结晶,得到标题化合物(22)为黄色晶体(0.36g,8879,m.p.200-201“C(发现:M'+,342.0069。ClSHl2Cl2O4要求M,342.0076);vmx. (KBr) 1 610cm-';6 [(CD,),CO] 6.57 (2 H, s, 2 x ArH) 和 2.18 (6H, s, 2 x Me)。53'-二氯-4',6-二羟基-4,6'-二甲基螺[苯并呋喃-2(3H),l'-环己-3',5'-二烯]-2',3-二酮(23).-向四羟基二苯甲酮(22)(0.17g,0.496mmol)和碳酸钾(1.7g)的水(20ml)溶液中一次性加入六氰基铁酸钾(111)(0.28g,0.851mmol)的水溶液(20ml)。在室温下保持5分钟后,将溶液冷却并用稀盐酸酸化。过滤收集半固体沉淀,水洗涤,干燥。由乙醚结晶,然后从乙酸乙酯-乙醚的混合物结晶得到5,5'-二氯-4',6-二羟基-4,6'-二甲基螺[苯并呋喃-2(3H),1'-环己-3',5'-二烯]-2',3-二酮(23)(70mg,54%),熔点193-194“C(发现:M'+,339.9905.C15H1,-,C1205需要M,339.9905);kmxe(EtOH) 233(8 24600)、280 (20 OOO) 和 322nm (1 1 OOO);vmx. (KBr) 3 400,1 710 和 1 687 cm-';6 [(CD3)2CO]6.77 (1H, s, ArH)、5.72(1 H, s, 乙烯基 H)、2.56 (3 H, s, ArMe) 和 1.85(3 H, s, 6'-Me)。3,5-二氯-6,6'-二甲氧基-2',4-二甲基螺[苯并呋喃-从甲醇水溶液中得到2,4-二-O-苄基-5-氯-奥西林酸(18)作为晶体(4.3g,86%),熔点160-161“C 2(3H),1-环己烷-2',5'-二烯]-3,4'-二酮(27)和5,5'-(lit.,'6163-l64oC)(Found:C,69.3;H,4.9;C1,9.1;M'+,382.二氯-4',6-二甲氧基-4,6'-二甲基螺[苯并呋喃-计算值 for CZ2H&104: C, 69.0;H,5.0;氯,9.3%;米,382);2(3H),1'-环己-3',5'-二烯]-2',3-二酮 (26) .-The mot her- vmx.(KBr) 1 690厘米-';6 [(CD3),C0] 7.38(10H, m, 2 x Ph)、6.86 (1 H, s, ArH)、5.20 和 5.13 (共 4 H, 2 x s, 2 x ArCH2) 和 2.33 (3H, s, Me)。4-氯-方烯酚*(19).-酯(16)(3.4g,0.148mol)用5%氢氧化钾水溶液(250ml)回流煮沸1 h,冷却溶液酸化,用乙醚(2x 100ml)振荡。将合并的提取物依次用碳酸氢钠水溶液和水洗涤,干燥(MgS04)并蒸发至干。将残余物由乙醚-q-己烷结晶,得到*4-氯-5-甲基间苯二酚。将化合物(23)(见上文)结晶产生的液蒸发至干,并将残留物溶解在丙酮中。在室温下用过量的重氮甲烷空灵溶液处理该溶液5分钟,并以通常的方式处理,得到通过制备t.1.c分馏的油。在硅胶上,以氯仿为显影剂。将RF值较低的产物从乙醇中结晶,得到3',5-二氯-6,6'-二甲氧基-2',4-二甲基螺[苯并呋喃-2(3H),1'-环己-2',5'-二烯]-3,4'-二酮(27)(24mg,1273,m.p. 232-233“C(发现:C,55.1;H,4.0;置信区间,19.3%;M'+,368.Cl7Hl4Cl2O5需要C,55.3;H,3.8;氯,19.2%;米,368);KMX的。(CHC13) 278 (E 17 700) 和 334 nm (11 700);(CHClJ 1 750,1 660,and 1 627 cm-'; 6 (CDC13) 6.68(1 H, s, ArH), 5.49 (1 H, s, vinylic H), 416 J. CHEM. SOC. PERKIN TRANS.I 1983 4.00 和 3.85(总计 6 H、2 x s、2 x OMe)、2.55(3 H,s,ArMe)和 1.97(3 H、s、2'-Me)。将RF值较高的产物从丙酮中结晶,得到5,5'-二氯-4',6-二甲氧基-4,6'-二甲基螺[苯并呋喃-2(3H),1'-环己-3',5'-二烯]-2',3-二酮(26)为晶体(8mg,479,m.p.268-269“C),在225-240”C之间部分熔化并改变晶形(发现:C,55.1;H,3.9;C1,19.3%;M'+,368。C17H14C1202要求C,55.3;H,3.8;C1,19.2%;米,368);h,,,.(CHCIj) 278 (E 31 300) 和 332 nm (69500);vmnx。(CHCl,) 1 720 和 1 655 cm-';6 (CDC13)6.61 (1 H, s, ArH)、5.77 (1 H, s, 乙烯基 H)、4.01 (3 H, s, ArOMe)、3.64 (3 H, s, 4'-OMe)、2.61 (3 H, s, ArMe) 和 1.85 (3 H, s, 6'-Me)。grisa-3',5'-二烯-2',3-二酮(23)与重氮甲烷的甲基化反应得到grisa-3',5'-二烯-2',3-二酮(26)(产率88%)。2,7-二氯-3,8-二羟基-1,6-二甲基-1,1H-二苯并[b,e]-[1,4]二氧杂卓-ll-酮(25).-格里二烯二酮(23) (0.1g)在预热的铝块中加热175“C0.5h。粗产物在硅胶板上以氯仿-甲醇(9:1)为洗脱剂进行分馏。除去移动较快的条带,从乙醚轻质石油中结晶产物,得到2,7-二氯-3,8-二羟基-1,6-二甲基-l1 H-二苯并[b,e][-酮1,4]二氧杂卓-l1(25)作为晶体,通过在220“Cand 0.02 mmHg(23mg,23%),m.p.239-242”C,(发现:M'+,339.9902)下升华进一步纯化。C15H10C1205需要M,339.9905);vmx. (KBr) 1 712厘米-';6 [(CD,),CO] 9.41br (1 H, s, OH)、6.89 和 6.77(总计 2 H、2 x s、2 x ArH)、2.98br (1 H、s、OH) 和 2.48 (6 H,s, 2 x Me)。Scensidin (4).-depsidone (25)(20 mg) 在丙酮中的溶液用过量的重氮甲烷空灵溶液处理。在室温下保持20分钟后,将反应混合物以通常的方式处理,并将产物从氯仿轻石油中结晶,得到scensidin(4)作为晶体(20mg,92%),熔点199-201“C,与从苔藓中分离的天然产物相同。Grisadienedione 的热解 (26)。将 grisa-3',5'-二烯-2',3-二酮 (26) (0.1 g) 在预热的铝块中在 220-230“C 下加热 2 小时,分离 Scen- sidin(4) 和 2,7-二溴-3,8-二甲氧基-1,6-二甲基苯并呋喃 (28)。将深色液体产物以0.1 mmHg蒸馏,将半固体产物纯化(t.1.c.)在硅胶板上,用轻苯石油(7:3)作为显影剂。去除移动较慢的条带,并将产物从氯仿轻质石油中结晶,以提供香西丁(4)(32mg,32%),熔点199-201“C。从乙酸乙酯-正己烷中提取和结晶后,快速移动带中的材料得到 2,7-二氯-3,8-二甲氧基-1,6-二甲基二苯并呐氧万 (28) (2 1 mg,24%),熔点 203-204“C(发现:M'+,325.0318。C1,HI4Cl2O5 需要 M,325.0320);VNLAX的。(CHC13) 1 628 和 1 590 cm-';6 (CDCI,) 7.25 和 6.96(总计 2 H,2 x s,2 x ArH)、3.97(6 H,s,2x OMe)和 2.77 和 2.57(总计 6H,2xs,2x Me)。Grisa-3',5'-二烯-2',3-二酮(26).-化合物(26)(50mg)在干苯(10ml)中的溶液在室温下使用海诺威中压汞灯(450 W)在石英管中辐照20 h.T.1.c.在硅胶上用苯-轻质石油(7:3)检查产物,因为显影剂显示起始Grisadienedione(26), 二苯并呋喃(28)和一些高分子材料。如上所述对混合物进行分馏,得到二苯并呋喃(28)(18mg,41%),熔点203-204“C.2,7-二氯-3-羟基-8-甲氧基-1,6-二乙基-11H-二苯并[b,e][l,4]二氧杂卓-ll-酮(lo).-将grisa-二烯二酮(23)(0.12g)在含水(8滴)的甲醇(4ml)中的溶液保持在5”C下3 d,然后通过过滤收集已形成的结晶固体。审查 'H n.m.r.干燥产物图谱显示,它是起始格二烯二酮(23)和53'-二氯-6-羟基-4'-rn乙氧基-4,6'-二甲基螺[苯并呋喃-2(3H),l'-环己-3',5'-二烯]-2',3-二酮的混合物(30);6 [化合物 (30)][(CD3)2CO]6.83 (1 H,s, ArH)、5.77 (1 H,s, 乙烯基 H)、3.33 (3 H, s, 4'-OMe)、2.58 (3 H,s, ArMe) 和 1.87 (3 H,s. 6'-Me)。将该混合物(50mg)在150-158“C下加热30分钟,粗产物以氯甲乙酸乙酯(95:5)为显影剂,通过厚层色谱法分馏。较快移动的条带得到2,7-二氯-3,8-二羟基-l,6-二甲基-1 1H-二苯并[b,e][ 1,4]二氧杂卓-ll-酮(25)(1 8mg)。较慢的移动带给出2,7-二氯-3-羟基-8-甲氧基-l,6-二甲基-11H-二苯并[b,e][l,4]二氧杂卓-ll-酮(10)作为油(8 mg),但未能结晶(Found: Me+, 354.0060.C16H12C1205requires M, 354.0062);v,,~,,.(CHC13)1 710cm-';6 [(CD,),CO] 6.56 和 6.10(总计 2 H,2 x s,2 x ArH),3.90。(3 H、s、OMe)和 2.32 和 2.14(总共 6 H、2 x s、2 x Me)。致谢 我们感谢埃克塞特大学植物学系的 D. H.S. Richardson 博士就地衣 Buellia canescens (Dicks) 的位置、收集和鉴定提供的建议。参考文献 1 W. Zopf, Liebigs Ann., Chem. 1904, 336,46.2 T. J. Nolan, Sci. Proc. R. Dublin SOC.,1936, 21, 67;P. A. Spillane, J. Keane, and T. J. Nolan, 同上, 第333页。3 J. P. Devlin,博士论文,谢菲尔德大学,1968年;C.史密斯,博士论文,谢菲尔德大学,1969年。4 T. Sala, M. V. Sargent, and J. A. Elix, J. Chem. SOC.,Chem. Commun., 1978, 1041 ;J. Chem. SOC.,Perkin Trans. 1, 1981, 849.5 C, J. Brown, D. E. Clark, W. D. Ollis, and P. L. Veal, Proc. Chem. Soc., London, 1960, 393.6 P. Djura, M. V. Sargent, and P. Vogel, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1, 1976, 147.7 J. Haddock、M. M. Mahandru、W. D. Ollis、M.Rey、R. Sharpe 和 C. Smith,未发表的结果。8 T. Sala 和 M. V. Sargent,J. Chem. SOC.,Chem. Commun., 1978, 1043;J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans.1, 1981, 855.9 Y. Asahina 和 S. Shibata,“地衣物质的化学”,日本科学振兴会,东京,1954 年。10 C. F. Culverson,“地衣产品的化学和植物学指南”,北卡罗来纳大学出版社,教堂山,1969年。11 M. M. Mahandru 和 W. D. Oh,未发表的结果。12 R. Sharpe,博士论文,谢菲尔德大学,1972年。13 M. M. Mahandru 和 O.,L. 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